Warmth between the meandering rivers
The gushing liquid so true
Whispering between you and me
That brings us toe to toe
Elegant as it lies
Glimpse worth life tide
The soft bump from creasing soft gentle sole
Warms me under this glitter marbled stone
Warmth between meandering rivers
Streams of pitches so true
Begin to ponder where it slides through
The twinkling between you and me
That brings us sight to sight
Priceless, these moments that sweep by
Every shadow that fly, gills of life that dips by
Surround’s these echo of life,
Humble lobe getting used to soft tones
Warms me under this glittering light
Warmth form the meandering rivers
Leaning gently against my pillar
Lost between these chilling treasures
I wished not, leave these meandering rivers.