• Published : 21 May, 2016
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We mix things up,
We mix a bit of orthodoxy with the originality.
We mix virtuality with the reality.
We have a tendency to bend and mould things a little.
In the effort to make them admissible to the world out.

You keep your eyes closed or open,
Chose to escape it or face it.
But every now and then reality has its way of showing up in between.
We can't escape reality.

It throws tantrums,
It gives love and peace,
It can even take it all away from you,
The very next moment.
Takes the satiation,
Leaving you hopeless.
It's like a game;
A bit black a bit white.

People may come,
People may leave.
Never miss out on opportunities,
They don't repeat.

They say don't let it harm the real you;
Don't let it affect your virtues.
Uncertainty has its own ways,
And we can't change it.

Welcome every moment with a great fervour,
The moments seem to flow like a never ending sapphire.
When you see the world with lens of anxiety in your sight,
The concreteness gets blurred.
When you mix the dose of acceptance there and gratitude,
Life keeps going on even with the Vicissitudes.

About the Author

Anusha Babbar

Joined: 15 May, 2016 | Location: , India


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