There is a loneliness
Deep down
In each one of us.
A loneliness that we
Refuse to claim.
Unclaimed loneliness.
But always there.
Like that little piece of trash
Lying on the sidewalk
But there.
There is a loneliness deep down
In each one of us.
That does surface
But seldom is conspicuous.
A loneliness that we refuse
To take charge of.
A loneliness that we
Hastily bury under
Layers of forged smiles.
There is a loneliness deep down
In each one of us.
A loneliness humongous enough
To consume our susceptible selves.
Safely tucked into stardust memories.
A loneliness so massive that we can feel
It in every beat of our hearts
Every breath of our existence
A loneliness omnipresent enough
To make its presence felt
When we look into the mirror
Scouting for hopeless lies.
A loneliness so huge
That we try to find ways
Of hiding it.
Concealing it from our own selves.
There is a loneliness deep down
In each one of us.
About the Author
