Longing to know the unknown
Burning desire to seek infinite
One energy manifests in different forms
Yet oblivion to itself
Living life to seek mysterious
Stories of humankind
Absorbing mind
All lifetimes
It’s now time to realize
They are all beliefs
Away from light
The very source within every individual
But not know how to unfold the mystery
Do not follow any one path
Pave the way with your own inner wisdom
Union with the Supreme
Is the ultimate solace
Either Merge like a drop in the vast ocean
Or be the entire ocean
Where all the duality disappears
Clarity appears
No more illusions
There is only one energy
Flows in every creature
Non duality emerges
And leads you to the constant state of ultimate bliss
Where there is no space and time
Only present moment
To live life in its purest form
To grow in a natural flow
To realize the beauty of this precious life in non duality.
About the Author
