• Published : 05 Oct, 2014
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  • Rating : 5

"Oh my god, Arthur Gordon is getting pounded in the corner..." exclaimed Billy Morgan, the commentator.

It was Arthur Gordon, the 34 year old boxing champion’s final day in the ring. He had announced his retirement and this was meant to be his grand finale.

"I've never seen Gordon take this much beating in his career. He is getting pummelled by Arnold Fischer. He has lost stamina. It’s just the 2nd round. How could he lose his stamina? He had been a true sport in his prime." commented Billy.

"Protect your god damned face champ." Gordon's trainer, Roach was screaming at the top of his voice.

"Oh my god… Arthur Gordon is spitting blood and he's down in the 2nd round", said Philip Morgan the other commentator.

Arthur could hear the countdown…05…06…07; He was trying his best to get up, but …8…9...10, he was out.

Arthur Gordon could see the referee lifting up the hands of the new welterweight boxing champion Arnold Fischer.

"Arnold Fischer has shocked the world… He ruined Arthur's grand exit from the game by defeating him in his last match”, the commentators voice echoed in Arthur’s mind.

Arthur just walked out of the ring.

"Arthur, what the hell was that? You let that kid to make you suffocate?" Roach asked.

"My prime’s over Roach. Let’s accept this, he was better!” Arthur replied with a heavy voice.“But it cannot end like this; it must end with a win, with the glory of my fame, if I cannot win by myself, my prodigy will, I will train a kid!” Arthur added after a pause.

"Roach, Can you give one of your kids to me so that I could train him? I'll pay you if you want." Arthur asked.

Roach was greedy, he smelled an opportunity. "Okay for 10000 bucks...”, he said. He had a good for nothing punk in his mind for Arthur.

As Arthur left, Roach had a wicked smile on his face.

A few days later, a skinny kid walked in to meet Arthur.

"What is your name kid?" Gordon asked. "Aaron Sam", he replied.

"Okay kid let’s see what you got... Throw me a jab", Arthur said.

The jab was totally useless. He didn't seem to be a boxer at all. 

"I know Mr. Gordon... I'm skinny. I'm good for nothing. That’s what I'm always told. I think that’s the one running in your mind. Why can't anyone just teach me? I can learn I suppose", Aaron said.

Arthur was taken aback by the frank words spoken by this kid. He saw a spark of determination in him and smiled to himself.

"You are the one I wanted. You know nothing of boxing right?" said Arthur.

"No. I don't. Never had the money to train Mr. Gordon", Aaron said.

"Call me Arthur. Be here by 4 in the morning. We start from tomorrow." Arthur said.

Aaron looked dazed, as if he couldn’t believe Arthur had agreed to train him. His eyes moistened and he left with a loud reply, “Yes Arthur!”.

Next morning, Aaron was there by 3 45 A.M, all excited to start his training. Arthur had half expected him to be late, but was pleasantly surprised by Aaron’s punctuality and resolve.

"All right kid. Let’s do it..." said Arthur as he changed into his track pants. They both stepped out of Arthur's ancestral house.

"You are thin. So, for thin people it ain't about throwing powerful punches. You must be as fast as lightning, swift and agile.", Arthur’s first instructions came out.

"Yes Arthur... You are a true sport." Aaron had a look of awe on his face.

“Run as fast as you can bub. Let’s see in how much time you can cover 100 metres and we won’t stop till you do the run in 12 – 13 seconds", said Arthur.

Aaron did 100m in 12 seconds after 1 month of training.

They ran, they swam, they skipped, Aaron was being toned physically to bear the brunt of the fight.

Very soon Arthur began throwing the best of his punches to Aaron’s body, making it stone. Cult by cult he was building a true boxer.
After about 6 months, Aaron was toned and physically strong to take tremendous amount of beating.

"You are now physically trained kid. The hardest part is over. Now it’s about jabbing and defence.” Arthur said as he prepared to show him the various defence positions.

"You are now toned, but still petite. He could massacre you. It’s not about how hard the jab is it’s about how much jabs you can throw. You are thin. So you can throw about 2 jabs a second. Make it real quick. It must stun your opponent. Hit the 2nd jab as hard as you can." Arthur’s words were like arrows hitting the bull’s-eye as Aaron listened intently to his trainer.

Finally Arthur was happy with Aaron and how he had shaped up as a boxer. He could easily give anyone a tough fight. He was ready for the ring!

He now had to look for a manager who could take Aaron to the ring. He knew it would not be easy placing Aaron, especially since he did not look like a boxer. He fished out an old contact.

"Good day William. He's the boy. 21 years, 142 pounds." Arthur said to the manager.

"He looks so tiny. He won't do well, Arthur." said William.

"Give him one chance. He could murder anyone in the ring" Arthur had a tone of determination which could give hopes to anyone.
"If you say so, Arthur, I’ll give him one shot um… With Carter Jones", the manager finally agreed.

The first match began. Aaron was nervous. Arthur was calm.

"I'm nervous Arthur", Aaron's hands were trembling.

Arthur went down on his knees and spoke softly, "You see champ. I didn't train you for this. Remember the strategy. You are a lightning stone, you are the killer!”

Aaron smiled and stepped into the ring.

He was lightening indeed; the first match was a great success. He toyed with Carter and finished in a knockout at the end of third round. Arthur can see himself winning already.

By the time Aaron finished his first match, Arnold had defended his title for the 11th time.

In the next one year, Aaron rose up the rankings steadily. He was reigning. He now wanted to take on Arnold.

"Hey, Arthur, How about a bout with the champ?" asked Aaron.

“Not yet Aaron, Another 2 or 3 bouts and you'd be ready, so wait", said Arthur.

But Aaron had other ideas. He had become the leading contender. Arnold Fischer, 27 still young and energetic holds the title. Aaron found himself a manager and got ready for the world welterweight championship. He couldn’t wait anymore.

He informed Arthur.

"Are you out of your mind kid?” Arthur yelled. 

"I’ll win." Aaron replied.

"You won't. He will knock you out in a couple of rounds and he will get to know your moves as well. You must wait for a few more bouts. Just abandon the match." Arthur was screaming.

But Aaron went ahead with the match and as Arthur had said, he lost in the fifth round.
His strategy wasn't enough for the mighty Arnold.

Aaron went to Arthur with a heavy heart and looked at him.

"I know, I know, but you did better than I expected, you lasted five rounds" said Arthur.

"I'll never ever disobey you again Arthur. You were right. He just kicked my ass in the fifth round. Still care to train me?" Aaron had a low tone of voice.

All he got in reply was a smile and a hug.

“After about 5 rounds of toying with you, he would know every move of yours; you must learn to adjust strategy. You are as quick as lighting in jabbing, but you lose your stamina. We have to build your stamina." Arthur was quick in his analysis.

Instead of short sprints for 100 meters Arthur made Aaron to run 2000meters, a daily marathon. To add to that he increased the laps in Aarons swimming session and enhanced his diet. 

After a few months, Aaron stood tall with ripped muscles and good stamina. He was 22 and Arthur, 36. It had been 2 years since the defeat.

It was time for the final sermon.

Aaron was very excited the next day.

As soon as Arthur came in, he called Aaron to take position. The moment Aaron was in position, Arthur landed a thunderous punch in Aaron’s solar plexus. Aaron caught his stomach and was down on his knees.

“As a boxer you need to be ready all the time. You must have the feral sense like the wolverine. You must know how to expect the unexpected” said Arthur. He taught him how to block the jab and then deliver it.

Aaron now had to pass the acid test. Arthur made him spar with some of his retired friends who gratefully accepted the chance to box again.

"These are handpicked boxers, who were marvellous in their prime. Do not under estimate them and make sure that you don’t aggravate their temper” said Arthur.

Aaron was good in jabbing. He was quick; his feral senses were commendable and his stamina formidable.

Everyone was impressed and agreed that Aaron was ready. Arthur had a twinkling in his eyes.

They found a manager and the fight was fixed for the Christmas of 2013.

Soon enough there was an interview of Arnold Fischer about fighting Aaron Sam. Arthur and Aaron couldn’t miss it.
Arnold Fischer, white, lithe, muscular, a perfect body for a welterweight was sitting on a couch with the anchor facing him.

"Mr. Fischer, What do you think about the match with Aaron Sam. More so because he is a student of Arthur Gordon?" asked the anchor.
"He is no match. I dropped that chump in the fifth round. I'll make him suffer this time. But he is better than his trainer. I had dropped off that chump in the second round itself, pity that oldie “replied Arnold.

"Scared kid?" Arthur asked Aaron.
"He's the one who must be scared." said Aaron and also added "Are you, Arthur?"
"Yes", replied Arthur.

Aaron had held Arnold at a high pedestal as an athlete, but his uncouth commentsabout Arthur had ruined it all. He was not even a good sportsman and did not deserve any respect. Aaron’s resolve to defeat him increased manifold.

Arthur smiled. "Let him talk. We'll see." he said maintaining his cool and switched off the television.

The final day arrived.

"Good evening everyone. This is Billy and Philip Morgan and this is the world welterweight boxing championship for the title" said Philip
"The two fighters are standing at the corner. Referee Ronald is ready to begin the fight"

“I want a clean and decent fight. Break when I tell you to, always protect yourselves. Watch your low punches, rabbit punches and Mr. Arnold, no beatings in the groin alright? I will notice this time”, referee Ronald put down his points.

Aaron laughed at the referee’s last comment and Arnold sneered at Aaron

“Okay touch gloves, let’s go to war”, the referee added.

The bell rang and the first round started.

“Oh my god… What a thunderous punch by Arnold, I think Aaron’s ancestors would have felt that one.” said Billy.

“But he didn’t seem to flinch. Aaron is enjoying it. Oh my god. Arnold’s hands are hurt by punching him. He’s become stone.” said Phillip.

“At the end of round one, though there is blood in Aaron’s mouth and he didn’t deliver a jab, but what I’m astonished is that how could he take this much beating.” said Billy.

“You are doing well, kid. This is why I gave you this much beatings. This has made him furious. You know what people do when they are furious. They act mad and make mistakes and that is what we want. Maintain your cool. He’s yours, remember lightning stone kid…lightning stone.” Arthur said to Aaron.

“Lightning stone. Yeah lightning stone” Aaron said and went to the second round.

Billy Morgan cleared his throat. “Oh god, there’s the Aaron that we all know. He’s jabbing him as hard as he can. But the mighty Arnold doesn’t seem to flinch either. What fantastic game this turns out to be.” he said.

“Aaron fought with such a predictable strategy last fight. But now he’s replying to what Arnold is delivering. The challenger seems to be in form today. All credits to former boxing champ, Aaron’s trainer Arthur Gordon I suppose.” Phillip said.

Arthur winked at Phillip.

The match continued. If Arnold won a round, Aaron won the next. In the 12 round match, Arnold won six and Aaron won five rounds. It was now the last round now. If neither of them goes down, Arnold retains the title.

“You are doing very good kid. You win or lose, that doesn’t matter. You know that I’m proud of you kid. Get in the last round. Finish it. Then we go home.” Arthur said to Aaron beside the ring.

“Both the boxers are tired. Aaron is punching and Arnold couldn’t even hold his hands up for blocking. It seems like all the predictions were wrong. Aaron has shown a lot of energy over here.” Billy spoke.

“And toe to toe they stand, and there goes a lightning hard punch by Aaron to Arnold’s head. That’s a huge uppercut. Oh my god, the champ is down.” Phillip said.

“Am I witnessing this? Or is it a dream. Arnold in his career has never given room for a countdown and Aaron proves the alter.” said Billy.

“1, 2, 3…” the referee began counting.

Everybody was tensed.

“If he gets up he retains the title. If he doesn’t, Aaron will be the winner by knockout”, Billy said loudly.

Arnold removed his gloves and showed thumbs up to Arthur.Arthur was excited.

“There. That’s it. It’s unbelievable. Winner by knockout and the new welterweight champion, Aaron Sam.”, Phillip said.

The crowd was roaring with cheer and Aaron could hear the reverberation.

Arnold congratulated Arthur. He lifted the hands of both Aaron and Arthur and said “You both are true sportsmen. With true heart I give you “The title” and he handed over the belt to Aaron.

Arthur stood there looking at the cheering, he couldn’t control his tears and a few trickled down his cheeks.

There was one man in the crowd who was overwhelmed. He walked up to Arthur and said, “I gave you a good for nothing kid and you trained him to become the welterweight champ. You are nothing but a true sport Arthur.”

Arthur smiled and said, I had a dream and there was no way I wouldn’t achieve it.

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Joined: 26 Apr, 2014 | Location: , India


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