It was around 6:00 PM his phone rings. He was sleeping and kept rejecting the calls again and again as he thought it was an alarm tone.
After few minutes someone came in and tried to wake him up.
"Tanvir wake-up beta, everyone has got up just because your phone is ringing continuously and you are still sleeping", his mom said.
"It was not a call, it was alarm tone mom, today is Sunday so please let me sleep more", he said in sleepy voice.
"It was not an alarm tone and next time you are not allowed to go out with your friends for late night parties, you are big boy now so don't be immature", his mom replied angrily.
The next moment his phone starts ringing again, but this time he checked his phone with a disgusted look and finally picked it up.
Hello, he said unwillingly as he wanted to sleep some more.
"Sir, I am calling from civil hospital. Miss Saamiya is in ICU. She met with an accident and is in very critical condition. We got your number from one of her friend", informed the voice from the other side on the phone.
"What?” He asked to recheck what he heard was indeed true.
"Yes, sir she met with an accident, please come soon."
"OK, I am coming within 30 minutes" He answered as it almost took 30 minutes to reach at Civil hospital from his home.
He got up, dressed quickly, and took his car keys and mobile phone with him.
"Where are you going now, you didn't even wash your face", his mom asked him.
"Mom, Saamiya met with an accident; I have to go at civil hospital", He answered his mom.
"What? How and is she alright", his mother asked him in concerned approach.
"Mom, I will tell you later", He said and rushed towards hospital.
Saamiya was his childhood friend and they were in a relationship from last five years. They both graduated and were professionals in their respective field.
He reached the hospital and rushed towards reception.
"Saamiya, she is in ICU can you please tell me the way to ICU", He asked to the receptionist.
"Sir, go straight and take a turn towards the right side", Receptionist instructed him.
"OK, thanks", he said.
He went towards ICU and there he saw Hira who was standing outside of the ICU. She was their mutual friend. She told him that last night they were with each other at a friend's wedding. They were coming back to home and Samiya dropped her at her home. Saamiya was feeling down last night and we were talking about you may be she lost her control and her car hit another car, Hira said to Tanvir.
"What? All this happened in night and you guys telling me in morning", he asked angrily.
"I called you, but you were not receiving my call because you were busy with your so called late night parties. She was hurt because of you and she met an accident because of you. She loves you and you are ruining her life. Why are you ignoring her from the last few months? You act so rude and every time you shout at her. She was disturbed because of you. Please take care of her", Hira said while leaving the hospital.
He was in shocked and didn't respond. He walked towards the bench and sat, lost in his thoughts.
Flash back started. The day when he proposed her, glimpses kept clouding his mind. He remembered five years ago, he fought with her on December 25. Suddenly he pulled her towards himself and wrapped her tightly in his arms. He tried to calm her, Tanvir blind folded her eyes and took her in his arms to the garden where they played in their childhood. He opened her blind folded and she was surprised by the view she saw in the sky. The sky was ignited with lightning fireworks reflecting the words "I LOVE YOU SAAMIYA". There were tears in her eyes and she ran towards him and nuzzled in his chest.
"I LOVE YOU TOO TANVIR", she spoke softly.
"You inspire me in my ups and down, I didn't even realize when you became that some special from being just my childhood friend. Today I'm going to take an oath under this sky and I promise I will love you forever", he had said to her.
Suddenly the flash back of that beautiful day vanished, tears rolled down and he quickly wiped it off. He felt her presence around him. He promised himself that once she will be fine, he will never let her go and won't hurt her by ignoring her and won't be rude towards her. He decided to apologies for all his mistakes.
He closed his eyes again and lost in river of his thoughts. He was guilty for his mistakes, how he hurt that girl who loved him dearly. What was her mistake? As he opened his eyes, he saw doctor coming out from ICU. Tanvir rushed towards doctor and asked him about Saamiya’s condition.
"We are trying our best but her heart is not responding due to internal injuries. There is lesser chance of her survival. Just pray for her", Doctor said.
“Please doctor can I meet her?” he asked.
No, we can't let you meet her. It's against our policy, doctor said.
He tried to convince the doctor but he didn't allow him and Tanvir pushed everyone and went inside the ICU.
He went inside and held her hand and kissed her softly.
“Saamiya, wake up now baby. See me here and I am holding my ears, I am sorry for all my mistakes. I promise I won't hurt you ever again.”
He continued his talks with Saamiya who was lying on bed.
“Baby you are my princess. You are my lucky charm and I am nothing without you. I need you in my life. You are fighter baby and you promised me you will never leave me. I know I was wrong but now I want to give you more attention, care and most importantly I want to shower you with love. I promise I won't shout again and I will take care of you.”
All of sudden she started responding. May be it was because of his presence her heart started beat again. Doctor was surprised; it was definitely a miracle for them. She got proper medical treatment at hospital. After 3 days it was their 6th anniversary, but she wouldn’t be discharged from hospital so soon.
“Let’s go on terrace for some time” Tanvir said.
“OK let’s go baby”. Samiya said.
He carried her in his arms, while she had her hands wrapped around his neck while she continued. “What are you doing everyone is watching us.” She said slightly embarrassed.
I don’t care; he said and headed toward terrace while he smiled making her blush as she pecked his cheek and he carried her out.
On the terrace he asked her to close her eyes. After few minutes he whispered, “Now you can open your eyes baby”
She felt fascinated by the view of sky, yeah it was lighting of firework on sky but this time it was written “WILL YOU MARRY ME?” and suddenly rose petal started falling and Tanvir was on his knees sitting in front of her with a beautiful ring in his hand.
Will you marry me Saamiya? Will you be the light of my life forever? Tanvir asked.
Tears escaped her eyes and all she could do was nod vigorously and shouted “YES BABY YES”
He got up and kissed her with passion and she kissed him back as their held the dreams of a beautiful future together.
About the Author
