...later when you see this pic for the first time,
You would be surprised at how calm your face looked.
How steady your gaze was...
And how serene were you...
Those tiny eyes
Would have turned into a pair of expression by then
From that little bundle you would have turned to a beautiful lady,
A lass full of life and energy.
Time, with bygone memories in frame will always hold the moment.
I would sit back still and find the pieces of me in you,
Little will I be surprised,
Seeing your grace and charm,
Your fearless feminism will be so overwhelming,
Your smile will have all wonders of time.
My wrinkles will still proclaim to be your
A tired soul will be happy to find that lost friend in you
In a wintery afternoon;
Our conversation will brew up in those cups of expresso
With our favourite playlist as the backdrop,
From books to hidden secret tales,
From the envious us to forbidden truths.
From the shallows of being female, to the pridest soul
The greys, blacks and whites.
Will talk of life and times together,
Biting the same slice of cheesecake,
Will still grumble over it's taste,
Will still not be perfect...
Yet, will always be the shadow of prefect.
About the Author
