• Published : 11 Jan, 2021
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Half of our life goes identifying what we want?

What is that one thing that  i am craving for most?

And then the other half of life goes on contemplating with all reasoning.

We dread the events of future , not in themselves but in their results

Our conscious and unconscious reasoning soul plays its card. We think and overthink; on what can be the consequences of  finding my need; giving it an identity.

How can it effect my present life? And most importantly is it really 

worth it chasing?

 Economics ,accounts and calculation takes the front seat. 

The Fear of Dejection wins the Marathon of Life.

Our mind still craves. We start living everyday half halfheartedly We become one those stoics, who smiles even after getting hundred slaps.

The one permanent emotion of the inferior man is fear; fear of unknown,the complex,the inexplicable. Its just like a needle which keeps on piercing us, it may most of the times carry a thread which can bind us to heaven. It is said the the only way of getting rid of  fear is wisdom.But does it really at all work in our favor? I mean we all are wise, in one way or other , after all we are civilized soul of the genre. But do we actually have that kick within us to get rid of the  fear the dejection?

Well i have people around me who has heroically endured adversity and is prospering with all greatness. I feel great to be associated with them. They inspire me and i aspire to be one of them. But somehow the aspiration doesnot have that rubber to proximity. Its just like the spirit, gives me high for a time and then fades off .And i still remain stuck in the daily  rut with my fear of dejection. 

The enemy for any big leap is the fear, the fear of obligation,the fear of insecurity. and most importantly the fear of dejection.

Life is Such unutterable hell, solely because it is sometimes beautiful.And these beauty of living has given a comfort zone, and we the social civilized souls have pretty much fitted into this box.

We have comforted our senses by believing that life is a box of chocolates, we got to be happy and satisfied with our flavour of candy.

When a resolute young fellow steps up to the great bully, the world takes him boldly by the beard. He is often surprised to find it ,comes of his hand and that it was only tied onto to scare away the timid adventure. We all have that spirit, to kick start a new beginning ,but somehow we need to have the guts to tear us apart and kill our fears, which has benevolently reciprocated to our senses knowingly or unknowingly all this while.

Let tomorrow be not afraid , as i have seen yesterday and i am in love of today.

About the Author

Payel Bhattacharya

Joined: 06 Apr, 2017 | Location: Kolkata, India

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