Tillotama's Plea to Musafir
Deep within those mocking eyes
I know somewhere there he lies
Who once had the vision
To see through lies
And was brave enough
To raise his voice.
Come back Musafir
Your Tilottama cries
Deep behind that careless pose
I know hidden are the throes
Of broken dreams painful
And night of woes
When your words were piled
And flames rose
Come back Musafir
Your Tillotama calls
Deep behind that greedy rot
I know throbs a tender heart
That gold and riches have
Failed to bought
It still beats for
The helpless lot
Come back Musafir
Your Tillotama calls
O Musafir dear Musafir !
No more this facade
Now end this charade
Arise awake
For Lover's sake
Let the night be over
No more we suffer
Come back Musafir
Your Tillotama calls
Based on the protagonist of A Thousand Unspoken Words by Paulami Duttagupta
About the Author
