Antara woke up from the light slumber with a start. Her phone was ringing. She still felt groggy from her lack of sleep. Shantanu’s name was flashing on the screen.
- Hello!
- Honey, I have reached Munich safely. My flight just landed. Just waiting to collect my luggage.
- Good! Now get some rest before you plunge onto your next meeting.
- Yeah! Will do that. Don’t forget to hand over the green file to Ipshit. He might come to collect it this afternoon.
Shantanu hung up in a hurry.
Antara sat up on her bed and stretched herself. It’s almost nine. She remembered that she had an appointment at the salon at eleven. Grudgingly she got up and went to the washroom to splash some water on her face. As she looked into the mirror, she noticed with dismay, the gold chain she wore around her neck was missing. It was an anniversary gift from Shantanu with her name engraved on the pendant in cursive writing.
Oh no...
She exclaimed. She could almost swear that it was around her neck when she went to bed last night. Or wasn’t it?
She could not be absolutely sure. What if she lost it when she went for a stroll last night?
Beads of sweat appeared on her forehead though the air conditioner was on full blast.
She frantically searched for the chain ....every nook and corner of the house. It was nowhere to be seen.
As she stood under the shower and tried to recollect last night’s events, everything seemed hazy.
She dressed in a hurry and made herself a cup of coffee. As she sipped the warm brew it made her feel better.
She got her car out from the garage and hesitated.
She must start now. Otherwise, she will be late for her appointment. Sitting behind the wheel, she was in a dilemma. It was drizzling outside and it was quite foggy.
How about making a little detour before she reached the salon?
After all their small cabin tucked away in the hilly woods was hardly a half an hour drive...
Maybe she dropped the chain in the cabin last night!
Antara finally made up her mind and took the lane on the left that led to the cabin.
As she drove along the winding road it began to rain hard. The blinding rain made it too difficult to see the steep hilly road ahead. The wipers were working overtime. Finally, she heaved a sigh of relief as she saw the signage...” Way to the gorge”.Five more minutes and she will be at their cabin.
As she parked her car and rushed towards the cabin in the driving rain, she got soaked to her skin. Antara shivered a little as she unlocked the door.
She quickly dried herself with a towel and changed into a fresh set of clothes.
She looked all over the place, between the folds of the bedsheets, under the cushions, every nook and cranny.... disappointed she sat on the couch and tried to recount last night’s events once again. But everything seemed a blur.
She peeked out of the window. It had stopped raining. She decided to walk up to the gorge.
Last night she was here. Where was the exact spot she had decided to click the selfie?
She was not very sure. Eyes alert, she scrutinised the rocky ledge carefully. Then she saw it. The chain had fallen in between a jutting rock and a bunch of sprouting crocuses. The spot was close to the edge of the gorge where the old rickety railing had fallen apart. Antara stepped gingerly on the slippery boulders....she was almost there. She tried to balance herself by taking a hold of the sturdy pine tree just near the edge.....
The golden metal was glistening with moisture. As she bent down, she heard someone calling out her name
Be careful Antara!
It was Ipshit!! Startled she lost her grip on the tree and slid along the slippery boulders....she tried in vain to clutch the weeds sprouting from the edge of the jagged rocks ....as she fell in an arc in slow motion, last night’s incidents flashed through her mind. Yeah, now she could recollect everything oh so vividly...
They had driven to the cabin, straight from Shantanu’s office. She had poured Ipshit a drink as she sipped her wine....then they had made love ...Ipshit had downed too many pegs and was quite sozzled.
-So when are you going to tell Shantanu...It cannot go on like this forever. I am sick and tired of this hide and seek game.
Antara didn’t fancy leaving her wealthy husband for Ipshit, a mere employee in his firm.
-He is completely deluded.
Antara had thought to herself.
She had smiled sweetly and said
- First, you have to find yourself a new job Ipshit.... Don’t you think that the moment Shantanu gets wind of this....you will be fired.
- I have a surprise for you Antara. I got a very good offer from the Mehtas. I will be joining their firm next month so
No more dilly-dallying. The moment Shantanu is back from his business trip, you have to tell him about us.
- Not so soon Ipshit...I need some more time.
-No it has been going on like this for quite some time now. If you don’t, then I will spill the beans myself.
- Okay Ipshit....now don’t get all worked up. Trust me, I will get it all sorted.
- I promise you Antara we will have a good life together
Ipshit had said earnestly.
He raised a toast.
‘Til death do us part.'
Antara had clinked her glass against his and repeated the phrase, with a hint of a smile on her lips.
-I need some fresh air. Gonna a take a stroll. You can join me if you want to.
Putting the glass of whiskey aside Ipshit had got up from the couch.
Let’s go.
It was a starry night and a pleasant breeze was blowing. They walked together hand in hand right up to the gorge.
Let’s make some memories Ipshit. We are gonna remember this night for a long time to come.
Let’s take a selfie at the edge.
You and your bizarre ideas.
Ipshit had muttered as he strode up to the gorge.
Come on Antara...
Ipshit was tottering from all the alcohol.
In a minute darling. Let me switch on the camera in the night vision mode.
Antara had said as she laughed mirthfully.
She almost glided towards Ipshit and pushed him forcefully on the chest. Taken by surprise, Ipshit lost his foothold. As he fell backward into the gorge he had desperately tugged at Antara’s chain...It had broken off in the impact and seemed to disappear into the dark nothingness along with Ipshit.
I have got you, darling.....
Ipshit’s voice rang in Antara’s ear as her body hit the rocky bottom of the gorge with a loud thud.
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