This mind is a tunnel lined with dull white lights.
Going on further than you can see, with no end in sight.
Not sure what to make of these winding roads, not sure of the direction I chose.
I can't make sense of these present moments.
Constantly second guessing my time spent, my connections made.
The elements that make up my life are all a part of a larger whole,
all components that bind together and have nowhere to go.
It's like this mind is full of knowledge, but at the same time is an empty vessel – waiting for any type of connection.
A connection to fill this void. Fill this space.
I need stimulation, I need validation and I haven't gotten it.
At this pace, I'll be trapped in this dim-lit tunnel. Going at full speed towards nowhere.
Moving but never seeing, living and wanting but never finding it. Finding it is all I really want.