• Published : 15 Jun, 2014
  • Comments : 21
  • Rating : 4.36

"Jab, jab. He’s dazed. Block his incoming feral right. He’s tired. Use your legs. Swiftly move towards your left and hook. Be agile. Come on quick. Move right. Drop a thunderous hook. He’s austere after all the 5 rounds of bout. Look god damn it. He’s coming back. You got him. You got him. He’s all yours. Follow strategy. Jab and hook. Jab and hook. Work his body till his ribs crack. He’s very tired. Now, it’s the time for your favourite upper cut. Do him. Flank him. Finish him. That’s it. Atta boy!” Mr. Mind constantly gave him instructions as I watched without any intervention. I never intervene unless otherwise absolutely necessary.

I can feel the warmth over here. My owner is happy. The referee is lifting his hands. What pride he must feel to be the new champion of the Indian Boxing Federation Club, “Karthik Krishnaswamy” or KK to his friends and Karthik to his family members.

Well. I haven’t introduced myself, have I? I’m a part of Mr. Karthik Krishnaswamy. I’m the heart of KK and I’ll be narrating the whole scenario to you. So, bear with me if I seem pestering. The guy who had been instructing him throughout the bout, that’s Mr. Mind. We’ve been rivals ever since KK was born. But, indeed, we (heart and mind) are the ventriloquists and the human body is just a mere puppet which follows our instructions and act accordingly. We are indeed superior.

Mr. Mind always administers thoughts (both good and bad). Well, I on the other hand tell what you need. I may as well be called as conscience too. Well, there’s no need to get into the intricate details about our functions as most people already know what we do. So, my owner, KK, has just won the championship of the Indian Boxing Federation Club. Hurrah! I feel happy for him. Thanks to Mr. Mind for giving him astute instructions. I’m beating much faster than normal. So, we can easily conclude that he’s excited. He took out his cell phone and started messaging his girlfriend, the girl whom I have enthroned at the centre of myself, my darling, Neha Kumar.

Won the bout sweetheart. En route to the airport. I’m coming back to Chennai, along with my greatest obsession, the welterweight championship belt of the IBF club. I’m so happy darling. Thank you so much for supporting me all along. Never could’ve done it without you. Love you so much.

Hmm…Not bad. I’m a bit of a writer too. He typed the exact words I recited to him and got back an instant reply.

So glad for you sweetie. Sad that I missed out watching you live. Can’t wait to see you. Come soon. Miss you tons. Love you.

So many texts and calls came for KK. All of which he answered so boastfully and with pride that he had achieved one of his greatest aspirations. Being a professional boxer was his childhood obsession. Now that his dream has come true, he was bubbling with joy and I felt so happy for him. My happiness or sadness in turn affects his. So as to keep him happy, I need to be happy myself.

KK’s happiness mattered a lot for me. People who are sad or always stressed out have a greater probability of a heart-attack and I being the heart don’t wish to perish soon. I’m a resilient parasite and my host is KK. I’m happy now as he is. Hope that it remains as such for dwelling my life inside the left side of his chest for a few more years.

After a tiring fight, he fell asleep right after munching through the last piece of his sandwich during the flight. So, now I have no work to do other than pumping blood. Well, that’s my routine. This gives me the perfect time to tell you about KK’s physical appearance.

He’s 23 years old, charming guy, often considered as lady’s delight by his friends. He’s overtly smart and astonishingly good looking. The only thing which beats me is his irritable looking unkempt hair. Otherwise, he’s a stud. He has a perfectly toned well-maintained physique.

It’s always good to be home, Chennai. All his friends had arrived to receive their champion friend. There was a lot of hustle bustle about him. Hugs were exchanged in turns. But then, when everything was in place, I sensed that something was wrong. I had the feeling of anticipation, an eager wait to see my darling, Neha. Where the hell was she? She was nowhere to be found. He asked his friends if she’s alright. No one seemed to know too. She had told that she missed him earlier in one of her texts. He quickly drew his cell phone and exited the flight mode. But still, neither texts nor voice messages. He placed a call in anticipation. But there was no answer.

I was quite worried about her. I’ve missed her so badly for around 3 months due to his rigorous boxing training. Don’t know if KK missed her that much. But she was nowhere to be seen. But then there was a text message from her. I thumped.

Liar. Son of a bitch! I trusted you so much. Even though you had such a huge female fan base, I thought that you’d not betray me. I just saw your boxing match. You were amazing. I loved that. After I saw you win, tears of joy filled my eyes. But it was only for a moment. That very moment the same woman entered the ring and kissed you passionately on your lips. I know it was her and you didn’t even bother to knock her off.  The tears of joy are now replaced by tears of hatred, tears of anger, and tears of frustration. I had never trusted a guy so much as I had relied upon you. All my expectations shattered. But still, you’ve taught me a pretty good lesson. I’ll be strong and move on. Thank you for the experience. Adios! Goodbye.

KK couldn’t control his emotions. He was completely broken. I sank. I was in chronic pain. I couldn’t beat properly. The only girl I had ever held in the highest position in my life had misunderstood me. I had told KK to back off and slap the woman who kissed him. He didn’t seem to listen to me. He let his mind rule. Now he seemed helpless and unhappy. I broke down. My sheer pain was visible through the tears that rolled down his eyes.

His friends never noticed that KK was mentally and psychologically broken down. They left after saying that they are going to arrange for a party before even KK could protest. So, he stood alone amidst the crowd of several thousand people bustling in and out of the airport.

I said to KK “Ok KK! What’s done is done. There’s no point in sitting and crying. She will not answer your calls right now as she’s so pissed off at you. Go to her place. Console her. Tell her that you didn’t mean it. Tell her that you tried to knock the girl off but the girl was pushing hard on you. She’ll definitely understand” I tried consoling him.

I sensed that KK took my words. He hired a cab and went to her place. Her house was in such a mess, so unlike Neha.

He stumbled across the fallen flower vase and made his way to her room. On hearing his footsteps he lifted her head up. It seems that she had broken down completely and I could sense a tinge of hatred instilled in her. She was barely able to speak. She summoned all her strength and said, “Don’t try to make a fool out of me. I know that it was the same woman who you claimed to be a stranger earlier as well. I’m in no mood to hear your lies. Stay away from me. Forever”

“Baby. Please. I tried to push that woman back. That woman was a nobody. Don’t make this an issue. I love you.”

“No KK.” She wiped off her tears and gave an expression which was clear stated that she had decided to move on. She said “No. I do not wish to call that name. My KK was dead just after the match. So, Mr. Karthik, do not trouble me. I’m mourning. Please leave me alone”

I sank harder. I felt sheer pain and tears were back in his eyes. She uttered a word which was even more tear inducing.

“I’ve seen enough of crocodile tears through these years, Mr. Karthik. Goodbye. I never intend to meet you again.”

She pushed him out and closed the door.

KK was down on his knees. Mr. Mind said “Screw that bitch, you deserve someone who can really understand you”

I said “Don’t worry KK. She’ll come back. I’m sure that she’d come back. You just won your dreams. Get back to it. Go back to your training. It’ll ease you up”

As always KK followed my instructions. Mr. Mind was pissed off. He hired a cab to meet his coach, his mentor and guru in all aspects Mr. Kannan, whom KK fondly and dearly referred to as Kannan sir.

Kannan sir was a formidable, tough young man in his early thirties. At first he’s tough to get on with. After you are certain that he likes you, he’s one hell of a person to be with (on the positive side though). KK had known Kannan sir for about four years. He revered him as a teacher, a well-wisher, a friend. He endures him like a brother and treats him more like his own family. So, who can he plausibly meet other than Kannan sir at this point of time.

At Kannan Sir’s Gym: Kannan’s Academy of Boxing:

“Throw it up, buddy. Give me five. Yeah. That’s it. Work on your fifth though. The power isn’t enough. You may get your nose busted if you’re playing like this against a professional boxer” he was teaching it to a new kid who looked so fascinated about boxing.

Kannan sir’s face showed a moment of triumph and pride when he saw KK’s face. For a moment I was happy about that. But still, Neha had hurt me a lot. Kannan sir sensed his loneliness and went out with him after having an old student of his to train the new one.

“You must feel proud of yourself kid. Why are you like this?” he asked.

Words weren’t coming out from KK’s vocal cords. I was choking it. I couldn’t able to handle the pain. KK just leaned on Kannan sir’s shoulders and started crying profusely. He tapped KK’s shoulder for consoling him and enquired him what had happened.

KK spurted out everything.

Kannan sir heaved a deep breath. “Everything will fall in place, champ. As you know, nothing diverts you other than boxing. You know that I’m always here. Get back to training.”

1 month later…

“Come on. Jab me. Hook me. Bend down. Position. Chin down. Adjust strategy. Turn Southpaw. You’re hands are your greatest weapons. Not because it hits. It protects your other body parts from getting hit. The best part in boxing is not jabbing or hooking or throwing monstrous and thunderous punches. It’s about how well you protect yourselves from being get hit” Kannan sir was advising KK during a normal day of practice. But just then…

“Okay. Pack up guys. It’s getting late for lunch. Be there tomorrow sharp at 8:00 AM. KK. Freshen yourself up. Get ready for lunch” Kannan sir said. He looked for his cell phone and he found a notification in his facebook. Neha Kumar added a new photo.

Well. Heart is a very delicate part with so much of hidden emotions. We are trained by humans not to cry and strengthened. We are faked easily. After seeing such a kind of photo, even the fake smile we tend to give humans disappears and instantly turned it into an exuberant sorrow. She had added a photo with her new boyfriend. KK was unable to take it, unable to fake it, unable to fake the feelings. He went to the bathroom and started sobbing. Sob turned into cry. Cry turned into frustration and frustration turned into rage. He walked out of the bathroom. He remained as if nothing had happened. He acted normal that even Kannan sir wasn’t able to determine that something was wrong with him.  If it affects me, then it has a direct impact on him too.

Indian Boxing Federation club had become famous due to KK’s astonishing moves in the bout and the online video of the same which seemingly went viral They had arranged an open contest to the boxers of India. The best among them would be filtered and sent to a 12 rounder with the champion KK. That one person gets a chance to compete with KK directly for the title. This was what I captured from what KK had read in the newspaper earlier this morning.

But no one other than me knows that KK is not feeling well and he’s faking other people by wearing a fake smile and consoling me that he’s alright. I want to cry out loud and let out the burden on someone. But on this ground, KK doesn’t follow me. If he keeps hiding his feelings I’m going to burst out someday or the other and it’s going to be a real nasty day for KK.

He trained hard for the bout because he’s going to face the best. He was so infuriated by Neha’s behavior. He couldn’t tell it out to anyone. Not even to his master Kannan sir. So, he invigorated his strength by letting out his rage to the fullest on the sandbag. He even tore one sandbag as Captain America does in the avengers.

A few months passed by. He did the same thing. He never had an opportunity to meet her. He was actually at the verge of becoming happy and was about to come out of the aftermath.

But just then, he caught glimpse of Neha in the gym while he was training with Kannan sir. I was beating so heavily. After all these months I get to see my sweetheart now. I knew that she’d come. I knew my Neha would understand KK and in turn make me happy once again.

“You’ve had quite rigorous training for the day KK. I’ll leave you both alone in peace” Kannan sir said as he winked. KK couldn’t do anything but smile.

Her first words flattered me. I started melting. How much long have I craved to hear her mesmerizing voice? But then, I heard another voice that’s from my rival Mr. Mind. He usually pisses me off.

“Don’t believe whatever she says KK. She has a new boyfriend now. Keep that in mind” Mr. Mind said. I think KK would’ve taken susceptible by Mr. Mind’s intervention. Why does Mr. Mind give him fake pleasures by tampering my happiness? If I ever can come out of these lungs, I’ll rip apart that cloggy mashy structure where it rests upon.

“Hi” Neha said weakly.

“Yeah. Hi Neha” KK said.

“How’re you?” she asked

“Good at times” he said.

“As you might’ve heard, I got a new boyfriend.” She said.

I sank once more. It’s easy to hurt me than any other part in the body. The outside wounds heal, but a hurt to me can be a major blow.

“Ya…” KK managed weakly.

“So, you now know that I’m not about to talk about a reconciliation. What I’m about to talk about is regarding my brother.”

All my anticipations were shattered by one single word. That had hurt me so profusely.

“I know that she’s a bitch” Mr. Mind said.

I suppose KK took Mr. Mind’s voice seriously and reacted very unexpectedly.

“Look Neha. I’m training and the best of the boxers have been chosen to spar with me. I’m in no mood to gossip about your brother. Please leave me alone” his tone was quite harsh.

“I know. You wouldn’t have changed a bit. Even though the guilt is on your side, I don’t know what’s holding you up while talking. But I want to tell you something that concerns my brother” she said.

“Make it quick then. I got lots of work to do” he said.

“The best of the boxers, you said. My brother has been selected as your sparring partner” she said with her voice perturbed. “He has a hole in his heart and nothing can be done about it.”

For a moment KK’s gaze widened.

“She’s lying dude. So please don’t follow your god damned heart on this. Trust me. She’s a bitch who never gave you a chance to prove yourself. Do not believe her” Mr. Mind said and he followed without even giving me some time to protest.

“Neha. Quit it. I’m not buying it. I got lots of work to do. Please do not pester me and go away.” KK said.

Neha was in tears. “Please KK. Let him win. He doesn’t know anything but boxing. He’s going to die in a few more months. Please. I beg you. Let him win it. You know what he said when the doctors told him he shouldn’t go to the ring? He consoled the doctors as well as my mother that he’d rather die than not give a try. He told my mom, Ma, you know me very well. I know nothing but boxing. Here’s the arena where I can portray my skills. We all know that I have only few more days to spare. Winning or losing or perhaps dying inside the ring doesn’t matter. At least I’ll have the satisfaction of yes I got a shot. If you don’t let me do this my soul will never rest in peace”.

I sank further, but KK’s mind is one corruptible bitch.

“That’s crocodile tears. That’s a trap set to bring you down. You’re an aspiring champ and an aspiration to many of the youngsters. Don’t buy it” Mr. Mind said.

“Neha. I’m still not buying it. They wouldn’t allow him to compete if medical records are not clean. So, don’t give me this shit.” KK said still following his mind and never giving an ear to listen to me.

“The medical records he produced were fake KK. It’s his only destiny. Please. Let him win” her tears intensified. But through these months he had made me rigid like a stone and his mind had become so corruptible and has taken over the reign from me.

“Bitch! Okay even if he has a heart problem, I’m going to rip open his ass. I’m going to bust that schmuck. If he dies in the ring, he dies. Alright?” KK said.

“I never expected you to show a good human nature. But I expected you to be a good sport at least. You’re sporting nature is as filthy as you are. Goodbye. I never intend to meet you again” Neha said with her tears unable to back off.

KK started punching the bag so hard as if it was Neha herself.

The day had finally arrived. It may be the bout between KK and Ashish Jain. But it is surely going to be a vicious battle between myself and the evil cruel Mr. Mind. Let us see what’s going to happen.

I can sense the cruel look in KK’s eyes when the challenger approached the ring. “He’s going down” he said to himself.

The challenger looked boisterous. He came along with his coach. But his rucksack was a bit baggy with the name Ashish imprinted on it.

“Does he even look likes he’s chronically and terminally ill KK? Please unload the revenge on him. As you know revenge is the best only when it’s served cold and also revenge settles everything” Mr. Mind said as he laughed down at me. I was helpless.

They touched gloves and removed their rucksacks to reveal their perfectly fit toned body. The referee gave the usual instructions and the battle had begun. 

“Hook him first. Stun him. Rip open his eyes. Employ body shot. Unload your fists. Bust his nose. Weaken his jaws. Fracture them if possible. Engage uppercut” Mr. Mind gave him cruel instructions and he followed them so perfectly. But in the end I was ready to speak as Mr. Mind said and obviously he followed, “Neha said he has heart problem. Lying bitch! Start dropping thunderous punches on his left chest till he spits his heart out himself” Ashish was dazed. He stayed back. Round 1 was over. After the assault on his left chest he was completely flattered. His heart seemed to explode already. His coach wanted him to call off the match but he remained resilient.

“KK, I think she was right. He indeed has a heart problem. Isn’t it quite evident? Please KK. Don’t do this. Let him win” I said. I think he seemed to listen to me.

KK wasn’t as violent he was as he was in the first round. He’s getting hit. I sense that KK had some sense dawned in him by me. He spared the guy. I felt proud of him.

But, to worsen all things, Mr. Mind lightened up. “It’s alright if he has a heart problem. Nobody knows it other than you. If you even kill him in the ring. They’re going to regard you as a great fighter and not a merciless bastard. So, unload. Unleash. All these years of training just to achieve this. Are you going to bust everything out? I got nothing more to say”

The drops of his jabs and hooks in the third round left Ashish more dazed than it did in the first. All his strength which was invigorated in the form of anger, is now being unloaded and unleashed. I seemed helpless. I sense that I can never teach the lesson KK needs to learn in the long run. Even though KK’s reigning in the match, I’m going down.

Till 8 rounds, he was following the instructions given by Mr. Mind. I watched him helplessly as he sarcastically looked down upon me.

But after the round 8, KK could himself sense that Ashish wasn’t alright. He literally caught his heart. He fought hard verbally with his coach and the doctors who came along and told them that no one is stopping the fight and if he dies, he dies.

“KK. What happened to you? Why are you being selfish? Forget Neha. Your relationship with Neha has got nothing to do with the sport itself. So, please start respecting the sport which you had endured since your childhood. He’s in sheer pain. There are just 4 more rounds to go and 12 more minutes to decide his fate. You can easily win the title some other time. You’re born and trained for it. Just let it go for now. Go easy on him, champ. Get back your old form. This isn’t the same KK who once as a child told ‘Let him win dude. It’s just a game. You can win it some other time too’ ” I said

Finally sense dawned in him. He got up. I felt a tinge of happiness but that was shattered as his mind interfered.

“Jab, hook, uppercut. Come on!” I was tensed that KK might follow Mr. Mind But KK never budged. He didn’t seem to listen to Mr. Mind.

Ashish was imparting his best of body shots, jabs, hooks and he was showering KK with punches. KK said to his conscience which only I heard “I go easy on you pal. Win it. Endure it. Live the life to your fullest. ” But KK never budged. He was a hard-hitter and was physically trained to take tremendous amount of shots. He was conditioned not to hit back too. He went through the distance, all 12 rounds with him. I’m so proud of him. Mr. Mind got so pissed. KK’s winning or losing in this match does not matter. He got back his regard and reverence I had for him. I finally won my battle.

The referee was ready with the cards as we waited for the jury’s decision with fingers crossed. The crowd was tensed up too. It never would have been an easy decision for them to make. KK reigning in his first 8 rounds and an incredible performance by Ashish in the last four.

“The judges told me to let you know that it was indeed a very hard decision to make. It took them more than half an hour to zero down on a conclusion. Thanks for waiting all along and for now your much awaited results. Judge Kalvin scored 91-89 for KK. Judge Kannan scored 90-89 for Ashish” there was a momentary pause after that. I could sense a standstill aura of silence in the crowd. Everybody wanted to know what the boxing legend and Judge Ali has scored. “And Judge Ali has scored 91-90 for Ashish and the winner by the split decision, the new welterweight champion of IFB club, all cheers for Ashish Jain”

The triumphant joy KK sensed in Ashish’s eyes, was an awesome feel. Tears of joy were flowing out from KK’s eyes too as he said to his conscience “Be happy when you can new champ. I know I did the right thing”. After having said that, KK did a thing which nobody might have expected, even Kannan sir. He went there and hugged Ashish and he thanked him for giving the opportunity to prove his mettle.

I had finally taught KK the lesson he needed to know. Love isn’t just a feeling which comes when you kiss a woman on her lips. You get the same feeling in your heart (me) when you see the buoyant joy instilled in someone else’s heart and the reason behind it is none other than you. So, in a way watching other people go joyous and you know that you’re the reason for it. That’s love too. That’s a lesson which many fail to learn. I’m happy that my owner had learnt it.

About the Author


Joined: 26 Apr, 2014 | Location: , India


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