• Published : 15 May, 2022
  • Comments : 1
  • Rating : 4

Once there lived a monk in the foothills of the Himalayas named Vishnu who was famous for his wisdom and knowledge. When he came back to his village, he realized that the villagers have lost simplicity and are lacking humanity. Everyone is running a race to get luxuries and fame to live happily in the world's delusion.

So he designed a game named "The Three Envelopes" to make the people introspect themselves. No one knew what type of game it was. Some assumed it to contain general knowledge questions.

He made an announcement inviting everyone to play the game. Excitement was seen in the faces of each and every individual.  

The day of amusement arrived. Everyone went to the monk's house and got ready for their turn. The Monk arrived and welcomed everyone. He explained the rules.

“It's a very simple game. You just have to choose one of the three envelopes and take the prize contained inside it” The villagers were happy to know this.

The game started.

The three Envelopes were kept. One looked pleasing to the eyes, the next smelt like roses and the last one was torn and old.

The first envelope was heavy and attracted half of the participants who won a large amount of cash in it. Some chose the second good-smelling Envelope which had a precious stone.

But none chose the old torn Envelope due to its bad physical appearance.

It was to the last that a young poor man named Shyam chose it. Before making his choice, he said " I have lost all faith in God. Why choose these good looking envelops when I know that my fate lies in the torn old one "

Shyam was puzzled to receive a key and clue in it. The Monk told him to follow the clue and reach the end. He did as per the Monk and ended up in a very calm place near the forest where he felt a deep voice reverb from the woods.

The voice said " Congratulations my boy. You are the only one from the crowd who didn't let the luxuries affect originality. I know you don't believe this but I bless you with infinite happiness, pleasure, calmness, and wisdom."

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Joined: 14 May, 2022 | Location: PARADIP, India

I write sometimes...

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The Three Envelopes
Published on: 15 May, 2022

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