The Shiny Moon……………….
The Stars opened their dreamy eyes; it was time to shine,
The blue ocean glittered in the Moon's light.
I sat there on the warm sands, healing my tired soul,
Oh! What beauty the world holds.
I was in love with the Moon,
It shines and glows when there is nothing but darkness,
I rested my worried mind on the rocky beds,
As the tides gently touched the cold rocks,
I kept looking at the Moon,
Fearing it will be gone soon.
My Moon hidden behind the silky clouds,
Too shy to come out,
Peeped from beneath the clouds,
The stars smiled and I closed my eyes,
It was time to sit on my dream boat,
Travel the wide ocean of the sky,
Touch my Moon high up in the sky,
In darkness together we shine,
To light the ways in the world so Divine.
Sufia Khatoon
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