A careless strand of hair wandering aimlessly on her face, she leaned dangerously close to the edge of the building. An air of freedom surrounded her. Her black eyes looked at the neon-lit city. She closed her eyes, let loose her hair bun and allowed the breeze to play with her hair.
The touch of that monster was nowhere to be seen. The glint in her eyes was carefree. The memories of her past had faded away. She had the strength to resist them. But there were times when they came back rushing to her mind and the time too.
Her toned legs staggered. She cursed the moment she married that monster. She cursed herself for letting him make her moan with pain. There were used to be just grunts and groans. It was almost like he wanted to hurt her physically with all his heart. She cursed herself for bearing him for three years.
Suddenly, someone tapped her back and confided, 'Madame, the mission is successful. He is dead.'
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