The leaf once, green and full of life;
swaying and dancing with the wind,
now stands alone, dead and pale.
the leaf once, green and full of life.
It hoped of being the best but got misguided,
the new, fresh greener leaves stood ahead
it found a companion, bringing hope like a shining star in the dark night,
the leaf once, green and full of life.
once again it was tyring to keep itself going;
just for the new companion who had some hope for the lifeless leaf
but unfortunately; it was too late, the past pain had reached the roots.
the leaf once green and full of life!
With the time passing it felt it's betraying itself;
by giving a false hope and being optimistic.
The new companion found a new leaf to dance with.
the leaf once, green and full of life.
The angel, who gave it hope to get a new fresh and worthy life;
Lost faith and left the old, pale leaf dying.
the harsh wind tore it apart from the biased stem.
The leaf once, green and full of life.
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