• Published : 09 Jun, 2015
  • Comments : 1
  • Rating : 3.75

Has she finally become evil? All this while she had put a strong fight with herself but it seems like she has failed miserably. She knew he was not right for her from the very first moment she met him. At the same time she also knew that she will fall hard for this guy. After-all he was whom she had been looking for, a man who can understand her, who can offer her closeness and affection, not to forget that he was tall, dark and immensely handsome, who always spoke politely and was kind in all his ways. Only thing which was against all laws of attraction was – he was married.

The moment he told her that he was married she knew she was going to overlook it even though she had always vouched against married and flirty men but at the same time she had never been this attracted to any other guy ever in her life. They did not flirt but felt the need to stay in touch and did the same. However, over a period of time he trapped her in his fascinating charm and one fine day he told her that he wanted her more than she could imagine and he could not be just friends with her anymore. A part of her was thrilled at the fact of being wanted so badly by a guy whom she desired secretly and at the same time she hated him for thinking of cheating on his wife. It was hard for her to choose as the more she wanted him the more she hated herself and thus her mind won the fight over her insane heart and she broke all association with him. However, she just could not stay away from him.

Days that followed were hard as ever as every time she felt disappointed she thought of him; she imagined how her life would be with him and felt ashamed of being the other woman even if it was only in her mind. She was assured that he loved her but at the same time she was confused as to why he would still keep her as the other woman. But somehow her heart won this time and her brain had to pipe down and soon came a day when she gave in to the pleasure of being the wanted and desired one. She told him that she too needed him the same way he wanted her and came a day which she dreaded and expected at the same time.

While standing in front of the shabby building where he had called her, she thought to herself that this is it. It's finally the defining moment as one step forward will name her as the ‘other woman’ whom all women hate but at the same time she will be loved by a man of her dreams. She walked into the dingy doorway of a cheap apartment which he rented probably for having this affair and saw him standing right in front of his apartment door so that the sound of the door bell would not catch people's attention. The expression on his face was not anything close to how she had imagined and perhaps she saw her own disappointments in his eyes. Disappointment of being the other one, of being loved in a hidden way and of being someone whom he was not ready to claim as his own in the eye of the public. She had always imagined him to bring her into the apartment with him hand-in-hand and kiss her softly as they approached the flat but there he was standing, signing her to enter swiftly into the apartment. She felt like running away but still she walked into his flat with him and he closed the door behind her as softly as he could. She had imagined herself as being nervous but here she was sweating with fear that she will be a sinner soon and thought that this is nothing close to love. A tidy bed in the midst of everything dingy caught her attention and she realized that it was the only piece of furniture which stood proudly in his apartment like it was his day. Her array of thought broke when he touched her face with his warm hand and came forward to kiss her. She knew this is not how she should feel and all he saw was door closing with a bang as she left.

About the Author

Sheetal Pawar

Joined: 16 Apr, 2015 | Location: , India

No doubt I am craziest person I have ever met. I have the audacity to imagine the most biblical and astounding things in life. So to ,speak I live in my dreams.. ...

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