Dismantle the moon, put out the stars
Go paint the sky black, climbing up the stairs
Do you see a light faint, flickering from afar?
That's me, ready to inspire!
Blow the clouds away, flick on the sun
Go replace fertile soil with desert sands tonne
Do you see a seed tiny, sprouting underneath?
That's me, flaunting my grit!
Turn off the music, slash every single chord
Go shoo away each and every canorous bird
Do you see a girl petite holding a paper and pen amidst the throng?
That's me, creating my own song!
Snatch my sleep unperturbed, throw me into a labyrinthine maze
Go replace colors vivid with despondent blues and grays
Do you see a lotus pink, blooming amidst filth and grime?
That's me, metamorphosing with time!
About the Author
