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An innovative program, the Young author Program is designed to support young writers who have a fl air for writing. Once chosen through a rigorous selection process, the program offers budding talents the opportunity to be mentored by published authors and publishers through a series of writing workshops. Importantly, it offers a safe space wherein you work alongside other writers, secure in the knowledge that you are fully supported. At the end of the workshops and a demanding writing schedule, the young writers go on to traverse the journey to becoming published authors whose work is available for the world to devour. What they also benefit from is the Young Authors’ Club, a member’s only club where they are privy to interactions with well-known names from the literary world. Go ahead and give your writing dreams full reinwith YAP.

Young Author Program – The Process
The Young author Program began with a rigorous selection process where young authors were assessed basis both, their passion for writing and their writing skills. The YAP mentors, thereafter, initiated the chosen authors in the making, on to a meticulous journey that helped hone their skills and explore the world of stories, with confidence.

From interactive sessions on the workings of the plot, to how to build rounded characters and develop realistic settings, the workshops covered the many aspects of effective storytelling.

Experiential and innovative exercises and of course, the passion of the writers led to the workshops crackling with ideas! The fact that the students had the guidance of published authors from different genres at every step, led to a burst of creative talent! The efficacy of the program also came from the fact that it turned writing, which is otherwise a solo act, into an experience that sparked a connection.

What came out by the end of the workshops were lovingly crafted stories. This was followed by a process of meticulous editing for story structure, plot, grammar, and more.

What you hold in your hands now is the culmination of this labour of love. We sure hope that these stories written with so much love, find a way to your hearts. Here’s to these young authors touching many lives with their creative endeavours.


Young Author Program provided that platform by conducting a creative writing workshop for our senior school students. Things hidden inside their minds were accessed and presented as interesting latticework of interwoven words. This is not the occasion to go into the literary merits of their write-ups. I am sure experts will do that in due course. I would like to acknowledge the emotional balming it has provided to the children in the midst of the distressing times that we have been going through. Their anger, grief, happiness, hurt and love—all have found expression in their writing.

 - Dr. Manimala Roy, Principal - Basava International School

Instagram: @iamyoungauthor

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Young Author Program

Joined: 24 Mar, 2021 | Location: ,

An innovative program, YAP is designed to support young writers who have a flair for writing. Once chosen through a rigorous selection process, the program offers budding talent the opportunity to be mentored by published authors and publishers throu...

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