The Lahiri house at Ashok Nagar Road is all decked up. With lighting arrangements all around the big three storied house, the building is a sight to behold for passersby today. The Lahiris’ are two brothers who live in the same house and have been in the transport business since many generations. Day by day this city of Kolkata is slowly losing out on such joint family system of living. The elder brother has a daughter Sumona and the younger brother has a son Shoumik. A well known family in the area, they are also the highest contributor monetary wise for the local Sarvojanik Durga Puja. It is the wedding of their only daughter Sumona today. With the who’s who in the invitation list, the wedding is quite a big affair.
Sumona, the only daughter of Shushobhan Lahiri is clad in a rich red Banarasi saree adorned with gold and diamond jewellery from top to bottom. Her childhood friend Snigdha, Rinku for all, is doing all her chores. The parlour lady, Rakhi aunty as she is better known has readied Sumona for her big day, right from the make-up to the draping of the Saree to her hair-do, she did it all. After 3 long hours of arduous styling of the bride, she just left a while back for her place to freshen up, she will come back again an hour later. Before leaving she kindly held Sumona’s chin and said, 'I have decorated so many brides so far but today I am the happiest with my own work. You look so resplendent Sumona. Our Jamai (son-in-law) Ajit is very lucky indeed. Isn’t it Rinku?' She gave a jestful laugh and left the room.
Sumona gave a dry smile to it, Rinku nodded to Rakhi aunty, she was too busy putting everything together. The hair pins that were lying over the bed, the safety pins, so many of them that weren’t used, few beads of artificial pearl lying here and there and also the petals of Rajani gandha flower that was used for her hair-do, the bed looked like one that has been robbed of all the essentials, leaving mere shreds of the robbed behind.
'What a mess this bed has become, Rakhi aunty did her job and vanished. Now who will clean this? Kakima (aunt) told me to be with you and do the chores for you, as you are the maharani today, otherwise I would have never done this heck of a cleaning job. Uff, this gold ring over here. Are you wearing it or not?' Rinku held the large ring in front of Sumona’s face and asked.
'Oh Yes, give me that. I should wear it.' Said Sumona.
'Isn't this your engagement ring Sumon? This is the ring you got from Ajit da’s family right? And you forgot to wear it?'
Sumona was unapologetic. She took the ring from Rinku’s hand and placed it on her fingers. Her eyes went back to a seeming blankness.
'Maharani, don’t forget such things from now on. Our Ajit da’s heart will be broken otherwise. Where will he go with his broken heart then?' Rinku laughed and went back to her chores.
The guests had started coming by now. It’s 7.30 pm. From the bedroom window Sumona could only see their open veranda where the ‘mandap’ had been created for the wedding rituals.
Leelabati, her mother, rushed into the room.
'Sumon, maa, are you ready? The Bor Jaatri (groom’s family) will arrive anytime now. They just informed that they have crossed the Bypass road. Rinku, take care of Sumon. I will come again. She rushed out of the room the way she had rushed in.'
The clock said 8 pm now. Sumona was becoming a little anxious. She looked at Rinku and said softly, 'Rinku, O Rinku, come near me, come a little closer.'
Rinku looked at her with a mischievous smile and said, 'Don’t say all that to me now. Reserve it for Ajit da' and went back to her work.
'Rinku, I am not joking, please come closer, I can’t shout. Please Rinku.' She pleaded this time with a strange urge in her voice.
Rinku came closer to Sumona, who was seated on a sofa and said, 'Yes Maharani, tell me.'
Sumona pulled her down by her hands, seated her on the sofa and with vulnerable eyes asked her, 'Did he come?'
'Girl, if he comes, all of us will get to know. It is the Bor Jaatri, not some mere guest, what question are you asking? Ok, you cannot wait even these few minutes now. It happens my lady. Wait, he will come soon.' She smiled and hugged Sumona.
When Rinku looked up at Sumona’s face, it was all welled up.
'What happened Sumon? Why these tears, I mean..what happened?'
Sumona held onto Rinku and asked again.
'Tell me Rinku, did he come, please go and see. Please Rinku.'
Rinku understood now. She has known Sumona since her childhood and has always been a source of comfort and support for her. Rinku softened her voice, held her dearest friend close to herself and said, 'You silly girl, which man ever comes to see his girlfriend getting married to someone else? He has not come. Pratap da will not come.'
Sumona burst into tears now. 'How can you say that? Since the past 3 hours you are here. I had texted him last night and asked him to come today. I had requested him and he had replied saying he will come. Please go and check Rinku.' Sumona swiped her iPhone and showed her the message that Pratap had written to her. There were just two words in response to a long emotional rant sent by Sumona. The two words were. 'I will.'
'Sumon, he never kept any promise so far and you believe that he will keep this one? To come and see you on this day? Ajit da and his family will reach anytime now. Is this the time to speak about all this? You will enter a new phase of your life today. Why can’t you just forget that chapter Sumon. It’s over, it’s past.'
'It’s not over, I requested him to come today, my heart says he will come. If he ever loved me, he will, and...and if he never loved me, then..'
She couldn’t speak anymore, her voice was choked with pent up emotions of all these months.
One fine Sunday morning Ajit Adhikary had come to their house with his family and over tea and samosas, her wedding was fixed. Ajit and Sumona are not strangers altogether, they are friends in Facebook and are connected in WhatsApp, so one can say that they know each other.
Rinku quickly rubbed the tears from her face with face wiper and started putting the make up in patches below her eyes. She put the kajal properly again over her large dreamy eyes, as it had gotten a little smudged and muttered, 'Kaku (uncle) and Kakima somehow pulled you out of that rogue of a guy, made this wonderful match for you, the groom is almost at the doorstep and all you can think of is that guy who didn’t even turn up infront of your father when he was asked to meet him. Someone who blissfully left you, you are shedding tears for him? A coward.'
'Rinku, you dare not speak about him like that. Pratap couldn’t come that day as he couldn’t fulfill Baba’s wishes. Baba wanted a well salaried person for his daughter or a match with a wealthy business family. In this aristocratic Lahiri family, nobody has ever asked what their daughters’ want.'
'So? to rebel against this Lahiri family, which gave you everything, right from your privileged upbringing to your identity; you were planning amateurishly to elope with him? Thank God Harish Kaka saw you both at the bus stand. And where would you have gone after eloping, did you even think about that? Look Sumon, I have no problem with you going away, but whom did you chose? A person who couldn’t stand up to the responsibility of marriage? Oh come on Sumon, I bet, if you had ultimately married him, you would have come back to this same house that you are loathing today in one month’s time. That which seems enticing, isn’t necessarily exciting.'
Rinku stressed on the last sentence while trying to drill into her brains that what she is upto is a fool’s game.
'Don’t behave crazy Sumon. Not every girl gets parents like you have. Despite everything, they asked Pratap da to come and meet them. Which he didn’t. Am sorry, for the first time, I feel Kaku Kakima has done a great job at finding someone like Ajit da for you. He is a very nice person. Seems to be besotted by you. Writes such romantic texts to you. Does all that mean nothing to you?”
'I have no interest in who writes me what text. I will not allow that man to touch me even one bit.'
Rinku was about to retort when Sudha Pishi, Sumona’s paternal aunt barged in with an ear to ear smile. She clasped Sumona by her shoulders and gushed, 'Bor eshe geche! (The groom has arrived). Sumon, come, come, everyone is asking for you.' She looked at Sumona with admiration for a moment and said, 'No wonder Rakhi took so much time, you are looking a million bucks today!'
Rinku said, 'Oh is it? Our Maharani has been waiting forever for this moment. Finally he has arrived. You go Pishi, I will bring her just now.'
The wedding took place quite graciously. All guests were happy with the food and return gifts that they received from the family.
The following day, Sumona left her father’s house for her in-laws' place. Her mother Leelabati cried a lot, so did her aunts, her father and uncle shed a tear or two as well, but Sumona had a stoic face all through. Neither did she cry, not did she smile. With Rinku for company, she left with Ajit and his friend Mrinal in their BMW.
'So Snigdha, your friend isn’t talking to me much. What should I do to make her talk to me? Any tips from the bestie?' Ajit tried to break open a conversation with Sumona.
'Are Ajit da, don’t worry, she is a little nervous now. She has been thinking about you throughout the last couple of days, now that she is suddenly with you, she can’t handle it all. Isn’t it Sumon?' Rinku smiled at Ajit and nudged Sumona with her ankle. Sumona was quiet as usual and gave a wry smile to her.
The car moved with greater speed now, it was crossing a highway. Few more minutes of uncomfortable silence followed. Ajit’s friend Mrinal seated on the front spoke, trying to begin a conversation again. He turned back at Sumona and said, 'Sumona Boudi (sister-in-law), I don’t know about Snigdha, but my dear friend has not spoken to me about anything other than you since the past 5 months now. Whichever girl he crosses on the road, he sees you. I am having a tough time you see, controlling him.' Saying this Mrinal laughed out loud.
'You rascal, that’s clear exaggeration. It’s nothing like that.' Ajit was thoroughly embarrassed.
Rinku quipped, 'Is it Ajit da? Then it’s really dangerous that way. Imagine you seeing a girl and feeling it’s our Sumon. Hahaha, what would happen then to that girl?' Mrinal and Rinku laughed out loud. Sumona was her quiet self. Ajit the one being bullied right now was red with shame. He gave a nasty look at his friend, which furthered their laughter.
They reached their destination, Ajit’s house at Rath tala lane, Basanti Nagar. The modest four storied house was bubbling with relatives and festive frenzy now. All the ladies of the house came out with their thalis with sweets and sindoor for 'Badhu Baran' ceremony. Children of the house came rushing to the main gate as soon as the car arrived. Everybody came there to get a glimpse of the new bride.
The bride was taken inside and seated on a mandap that was made for this ceremony. Making way for herself and three other women, Ajit’s mother, Sumona’s mother-in-law, Kalpana Adhikary welcomed the new bride. Kalpana took two betel leaves in each hand and did the customary ritual of encircling the bride’s face with the leaf a couple of times to ward off the evil eyes, thereby auguring good times ahead. What followed post that was an elaborate interactive session with all the aunts and uncles happily introducing themselves to the new bride.
The new bride then was taken to her room. Rinku accompanied her and so did all other relatives. Kalpana came in after sometime and asked the little children to leave the room, to let their Boudi (sister-in-law) rest a bit. She came closer to Sumona and said, 'Sumona, this is your room, your and Ajit’s room. This is your house from today, never feel that you have left your parents. We are also your parents from now maa, you are our daughter. Take a little rest now as there are some rituals in the evening. In the night, your friend and you would be sleeping in this room, Ajit will go over to his friends house. You know na, today is kaal ratri, if the bride and groom meet each other tonight, it doesn’t augur well for them. Snigdha, take care of her. She is not just your friend now, she is also our daughter.' She put her hand lovingly over Sumona’s shoulders and looked at her affectionately. Saying so, she left the room.
The room was emptied of relatives now. Ajit came in and asked if Sumona is comfortable to which she nodded. He kept standing in the room fishing for words, in the hope of Sumona saying something more, but once again Rinku came to the rescue. She promptly said, 'Ajit da, I understand your dilemma, but you have to wait this one more day. Today is kaal raatri. Come tomorrow, there will be no one between both of you, not even me, Sumona will be all yours.' Ajit felt embarrassed and was trying to say something when Sumona announced, 'Rinku, I want to take some rest now, am very tired.'
An awkward silence fell upon them. Ajit quickly said something and left.
Rinku turned at Sumona, her eyes raging now, 'Ms. Sumona Lahiri, what do you think you just did now?'
Sumona turned her face away from Rinku and started moving towards the bed. Rinku quickly grabbed her arms and continued.
'You didn’t speak a word in the car. I had to manage it all, it was such an uncouth behaviour to begin with. He is your husband now for God’s sake. Such a nice guy, poor thing, he likes you so much, can’t you see any of it?'
Sumona was getting annoyed by her friend now. Rinku continued, 'That Pratap, never kept even one promise, tell me if he did. He promised that he will get a job. He left that job within two months. He promised that he would take you to meet his mother, never did that either. Now that he has moved out of your life himself, why are you still stuck with him Sumon? Why are you inflicting this pain on yourself?'
Sumona had already started shedding her pitiful tears by now. Rinku seated her on the bed, hugged her tight and said, 'I am sorry I shouted at you Sumon, I mean I really didn’t mean to. The way you are behaving with Ajit da, it’s really unacceptable. I know you are missing Pratap but…'
'You don’t know Rinku, you will never know. Only we know how much we loved each other. It is my fate that I didn’t get him in this life. I will always love him; all my life I will love him and only him. I cannot love anyone else Rinku.' Sumona spoke between her copious tears.
'Sweetheart, life is too long and nothing is permanent. You don’t have to stop loving him but slowly, you will learn to love Ajit da too. The new love will replace the old one and gradually will leave no place for the older one anymore. Mark my words. The love you have for someone today, you will get it back someday, it might not be from that same person, but you will get it back for sure. Love doesn’t go waste!'
Next day morning was the bou-bhat (bride’s rice cooking ceremony). Sumona diligently offered in each family member’s plate rice, fries, fish curry, mixed vegetable, dal and chutney. The first meal by the new bride of the house was lapped up by everyone.
It was evening time now, everybody got busy in readying themselves. Today is the reception from the guy’s family. Women of the house were simultaneously indulging in all kinds of gold jewellery and flashy Benarasi silks, everyone wanted to look their best. The lady from the parlour was here to make Sumona, the daughter-in-law of the house, ready for her reception evening.
Ajit was busy with his friends when his father called him up and said that there had been a miscalculation regarding the number of sweets and now they have a deficit. Ajit was worried. From where would they get so many sweets now and that too at such a short notice? His father said that a young man has volunteered to get the delivery of the extra sweets. 'He is a friend of Haradhon, our sweet dealer. He just called and said that he will come and deliver the rest of the sweets. Nothing to worry, I just wanted to inform you.' said Mr. Adhikary.
'Is Bou-maa (daughter-in-law) feeling comfortable in our house?' He asked Ajit.
'Yes baba. She seems to be ok so far and anyway, she has just left her parents home, must be missing them. It’s our responsibility to make her feel at home and feel loved in this house.'
'Absolutely Ajit. You just said what I was thinking about.'
The parlour lady left few minutes back. Things are moving so fast for Sumona, it felt like dejavu. Was it not a few hours ago that she wore another such Benarasi saree and was all decked up for another event? In her head, it’s all a mist, nothing is clear. What is happening, what is not, she doesn’t know, doesn’t even wish to know.
Rinku came near her and said, 'Sumon, I will have to leave today. Your parents are coming here in the evening, I am leaving with them.' Her voice choked up. This was the friend with whom she was always there like a shadow right from her childhood. And now she has to leave a piece of her heart, her dearest friend all alone in her in-laws’ house.
'But don’t worry,' she quipped, 'it’s just about 2 more days my dear. Day after tomorrow is Sunday, I will come to meet you. So cheer up! I don’t want those tears anymore.' She struggled a smile through her emotions while wiping tears off Sumona’s face.
Guests had started coming in by now. Sumona’s family members came. Her parents were delighted to see her, specially her father Sushobhan Lahiri. Looking at the way his daughter was being treated, he was assured that he made a good decision of selecting Ajit for her.
Sumona and Ajit were now seated on the main podium where guests kept coming with big gifts in their hands. Who are these people who Ajit is so lively chatting with? She had no idea. All were unknown faces for Sumona.
Rinku was standing beside Sumona’s chair, collecting gifts when her eyes fell upon someone familiar coming from far. She clasped Sumona’s arm immediately. Sumona twitched in pain and shrieked.
Sumona stood up as this man kept approaching the podium. She held her breath firmly till he reached the podium. Ajit shook hands with the guy and introducing him said, 'Sumona, meet Pratap, he has been really helpful for us today. Had it not been for him, we would have been in deep trouble. He volunteered to get the deficit sweets from our sweet dealer Haradhon.' Looking at Pratap he said, 'Pratap my friend, please don’t go without eating tonight. You have been a real help.'
Ajit stepped down from the podium to welcome some of his friends. The stage was suddenly empty with only three people, Sumona, Pratap & Rinku.
Pratap handed over a gift that he was carrying to Rinku. 'This isn’t something very expensive, still I thought I should not go empty-handed to your wedding reception. I hope you will like it. I could not keep any of my promises Sumon, but I had to keep this one, the last promise that I had made to you. Stay happy.'
Pratap left the stage with such a suddenness that the effect of it could be felt only minutes later. Sumona kept staring at this known figure slowly drifting away from her vision. He kept the last promise that he had made to her. She felt strangely happy now.
