• Published : 27 Feb, 2015
  • Comments : 1
  • Rating : 4

They had known each other for almost twenty years now. In these years, it never happened that she needed something and he was not there to help her. He was almost inseparable and irreplaceable part of her and her family.

Widowed at 29, with two kids, Smita had no one around but Shashi's shoulder to cry on. Shanshank and Smita were both orphans and had met in college, well aware of each other's pain they soon were together as if destiny herself held their hands and united them. Nothing could have been more blissful; and finally they had each other. Their love was like the ray of light in the dark lives which destroyed the darkest of shadows of their painful past. 

They had one more thing which was dearer to them and that was Shashi - their dearest friend. , the richest guy around in whole of Satna , he was the most eligible bachelor and dream of every girl in college with looks to die for , his intellect added the oomph to his character.

It was Shashi , who encouraged Smita and Shashank to tie the knot , while they were still studying. He got Shashank a part time job in his father's office and both Shashank and Smita had scholarship from college that took care of their education. Though both of them deserved the scholarship, it was talk of the town that this privilege was due to Shashi's friendship, whose father was also trustee of the college. Well if that was true Shashi made sure that no one ever got to know about it. 

Almost everybody thought that Shashi was in love with Smita , including Shashank, however Smita never thought that to be true, but yes Shashi was the only person who was family to Smita and to Shashank. 

Smita and Shashank tied the knot in 2nd year of college. Everything moved at a very fast pace then, life could not have been better, both Shashank and Smita passed their graduation in flying colors. Both started working, and they soon became parents , life could not have been better . Shashi too did well and went abroad for higher studies. Whenevr he would be in town, he could only be found at their house. The kids loved him and for the kids he was their hero.

Just as destiny had held their hands and got them together , it  took away what it gave with its own hand, Smita's whole life  came to a standstill that one day , and a  phone call took away all that she had . Shashank had met with an accident, Smita rushed to the hospital only to see the mangled body of Shashank. she could not recall anything after that, when she woke up she saw Shashi beside her hospital bed and from that day to now Shashi has always been beside her, in every hour of need, sadness, happiness.

He moved back to Satna, and never looked back.

After Shashank , had it not been for Shashi , Smita would have never been able to standup , he was there every single moment to hold her , to urge her to move on, to live for her kids. 

Shashi's family had given up their hope of getting him married, and his family had almost disowned him, needless to say, they and many in Satna thought the only obstacle between him and his bright life was Smita and her kids. 

On Shashi's persuasion Smita had pursued higher studies and was now the principal of the college they studies in. 

With Shashi's love, guidance and encouragement both kids did well for themselves. Vedansh was in US and Vedika was preparing to leave for Shanghai today, she had got a high paying job. Though very reluctant to take up the job, she had given in to Shashi's persuasion.

" Maa.. I can't leave you and go”, Shashi laughed at this and reassured her that he will be there by her mother’s side.

" Shashi !! who will take care of you, look at all these grey hair you have got now" Shashi had insisted children called him by name; and so the arguments went on and finally today was the day when Vedika was getting ready to leave. " Excuse me ! Half your friends still could fall for me" and then the sweet argument would go on, it was music to Shashi's ears and Smita would silently smile. 

"Maa , I want to talk to you can I come in?" 

“Do you have to ask now?” 

" Maa " both me and Vedansh have been wanting to talk to you about something for a while now , somehow we never found strength. Today I want to talk to you as a woman to woman" Smita was shocked to hear this as she had never seen Vedika so serious. 

"What happened Vedu "is all fine, did something happen? Is Vedansh fine " No Maa, relax, its not always about us ".

" Today I want to talk about somebody without whom we are incomplete yet he is not a part of us " " Somebody who has given everything to us , yet has not got anything in return" " Maa Shashi has lived his life for us , its time you gave him what is rightfully his" 

Smita was too shocked to understand or react. " Vedu , what are you saying,  do you also think like that about us". 

“Like what”, we can see, everyone can see , can’t you see Maa, please think, he deserves it "

Smita sat on the bed stunned, and slowly the tears fell , the tears which she held on to for all these years , she relived her life with Shashank , she recalled the last time she saw Shashank, recalled all those times when Shashi had been there where Shashank was to be , not a moment , not a situation when Shashi was not around.

Yes he was the one, who was always behind her to make sure he could hold her when she fell , he was always there to make sure , she was there for her kids, he was there when she missed Shashank , he laughed when she laughed and cried when she cried, and he had never asked anything from her. 

Smita recalled how she had questioned god " Why did you take away the only thing I had, she now knew god had taken Shashank but had given her a " SOUL MATE", for the first time today Smita smiled ...

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