• Published : 08 Feb, 2016
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I just woke up from an afternoon nap and a terrible dream wherein I had killed the goon successfully, I guess, and got in trouble with the policemen and killed one of them too but, when I saw myself, I was dressed as one and the whole thing went onto screw up even more before my brain finally gave in and I jumped from the bed.

Yes, you read that right; I woke up jumping from the bed! That’s a huge thing considering the radiating laziness that surrounds my being. But, this sudden gust of energy still flows through as I’m sitting pretty with an evening snack and a glass of juice, writing this possible post for my blog. And this is no adrenaline which would soon break the keys of my laptop or an effect of a crazy friend who would jump off railings and skid on a frictionless way when there is a handsome road carved out for walking.

This, as my heart calls out (and as melodramatic as it can get), is something so positive in its sense that I want to go out and express my love to everyone out there!

Thank the graceful sun for setting down pretty quickly today and blow kisses to its counterparts for letting the winter finally set in.

Give a big tight hug to my mother (and for that matter my entire family) for being such a lovely mother and such an amazing cook and just thank her for what she is.

The shoe-maker down the street that I remember watching, waiting for my bus; I just want to go out and share some smiles with him because trust me, the way that old man works is the way I have never worked in my entire life.

Shake hands with my ever-so-smiling building watchman; just a day or two before we had a tussle because he hadn’t allowed my friend’s vehicle into the parking and then refused to acknowledge me as a resident of the building (a big slap to my ego that unfortunately existed that day) and so...happens! We will be buddies!

Apologize to my cell phone for being such a rude owner; throwing it casually on the bed, then picking up its pieces off the ground. Sticking up a charger so awfully up its ass that if it could ever say something apart from the music I ask it to recite, damn you would have been response.

Kiss the navy-blue calculator (after dusting it of course) that lies to my right for carrying out all those ridiculous calculations it was always meant to; but hey, a thank you would only enhance its spirits!

Shower love on you! Yes, YOU right there; for being the gorgeous person that you are both from the inside and the outside. Yes, I know there are problems but c’mon, some amount of friction, as my kinematics textbook reads, is desirable. Yes, you are beautiful and yes, I love you.

But above all, thank that wonderful positive energy for letting me a chance to write all this down to you, each day, and every day. Thank you, for letting me live and live a better life than most in this world could even imagine. I promise dear energy, I would try not to let this smile fade and try to spread all the smiles with as many people I could! I need to make you proud right? (Oh c’mon dear energy, your eyes shouldn’t be moist! I’m an aspiring writer and I must sound convincing *wink*)

She is just so cute!

Here, I quote down the same lines I wrote in my very first article;

So next time you see that pretty face in the mirror, make sure you give it your best smile! And I am sure that you will fall in love with yourself! :)

And the next time your life sucks and there seems to be no way out, remember, the night is darkest just before the dawn.

And that with great power, comes great responsibility (irrelevant? Of course! But, why not make even the great spider-man smile by quoting him? Remember my promise to dear energy?)

So go out! Dance, sing, date, play the guitar, write, travel, do whatever that makes you happy (even if it includes cursing someone) but SMILE because you’re beautiful and a beautiful smile is infectious!


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