Moss green sticks pliable
Four to a pot
Of PVA glue
“Don’t make a mess,” they say
Too late.
Mind racing as I paint each finger carefully until the glue becomes a second skin
I can’t remember what I’m here to do?
Instructions trying to break into my subconscious and ruin the dreams I made
As I peel the flaky residue to reveal the clear skin beneath.
DNA and PVA combined
And discarded like an old forgotten toy.
Makes me think of candle wax at Christmas
Dipping my fingers into the lava-hot liquid
Until each tip hardens and
I begin to tap them upon the pews along to the distant sound of Away in a Manger
But it makes me sad:
“The stars in the bright sky
Look down where he lay”
A little life full of hope swaddled against the world
My shell of a finger encasing the real thing
Still tapping as
Each perfect wax-husk falls off
One by one until
My hands feel empty and unsafe.
The shell prevents the good as well as the bad
From seeping in and making me pliable
Heart beating hard and strong
Requiring permission to break through.
About the Author
