The golden hues of the rising and setting sun and the silvery shimmer of the moon ,
The lush green meadows and the gaily coloured flowers in full blossom and bloom,
The gentle and freely flowing breeze and the happily and haughtily swaying trees,
The chirping of the birds, the chatting of the animals and the humming of the bees,
All of these are nature’s treats that appeal to the senses and is nothing but sheer poetry!
In summer, when the scorching sun is overhead, the flaming red goldmohurs add beauty,
In winter, when the cold sends shivers down our spine, the snowbound peaks add serenity.
When monsoon arrives, the peacocks spread their beautiful feathers and dance in ecstasy,
When spring dawns, the earth is strewn with flowers of radiant hues, adding to the vibrancy,
All the seasons add their own special flavors that are mesmerizing and that’s sheer poetry!
The divine feel of the icy cold rivers being born from the melting snow atop the steep mountains,
The mystical charm of watching the night sky with the stars, planets, comets and constellations,
The ethereal view of the mother earth peeping through the cottony clouds, as far above we fly,
The sheer wonder of watching birds in formations, up in the sky, as down below on the earth we lie,
All these ethnic views have a magical effect on the human soul, and yes that’s sheer poetry!
The unfathomable variety of flora and fauna that all the land forms and the ocean depths hold,
The incredible mysteries of the universe that man has been from ages and eons, trying to unfold,
The known and the unknown and everything that exists between the two, fuelling man’s curiosity,
All that lies between life and death and beyond, the dreams and the reality, the facts and fantasy,
All of these experiences that enrich and enthrall us in our day to day existence, that’s sheer poetry!
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