• Published : 23 Aug, 2022
  • Comments : 1
  • Rating : 4

Our environment is stressed, and it is not a hidden fact anymore. It is alarming and it is our duty to save it before it is too late. After all, it is because of our activities that our ecological balance has been disturbed. The occurrences of natural calamities are causing loss of lives. In addition to that, the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has proven to be more harmful. This has led to the catastrophic depletion of greens from the planet. It is high time that we wake up from our slumber and give back the nature it's dues. It's important to understand that by saving the environment we are saving mankind. Else soon we will be digging our own graves. We need to start proper handling of waste material. We need to start with proper 'Reuse, Reduce and Recycling of material. This way we can adopt a greener lifestyle. Take a vow to help the Echoing planet. Let's give the peacock a place to dance, a tree for an ape to roam around. As MR. Luster Brown said that we have not inherited this Earth from our forefathers, we have borrowed it from our children. Remember that we are losing 1 and a half acres of land per second. The time will soon arrive when we will be left with barren land but to avoid the unfortunate, we need to embrace mother nature''. I will leave you with a thought provoking question “Do you have a planet B or are you a superhero that you can find life on any other planet?”

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Joined: 22 Aug, 2022 | Location: Delhi, India

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Saving Life
Published on: 23 Aug, 2022

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