You have travelled to the places unknown
Have marched upon the deserts all alone
Written stories to ignite an enduring fire
Have played freedom tunes upon your lyre
Fallen into the pit of your own art
O Musafir, will your true journey ever start?
Love beckons you from the lands afar
Your muse awaits you to heal your scar
An infatuation or an alluring lust
Your ship craves for an impelling thrust
Once a passion now only madness
O Musafir, why so much sadness?
Listen to the sweet songs of your heart
Stack the journeys that have fallen apart
Tread amid the winter, do not grieve
Rise from the dust, simply believe
Ignite a flame of a promising prophecy
O Musafir, scorch an undying legacy
Based on the protagonist of A Thousand Unspoken Words by Paulami Duttagupta