• Published : 21 Dec, 2016
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Like Hamelin, this place was also inhabited largely by rats- big, small, fat or ugly. The difference was that it was a rat’s world and not one where they caused nuisance to human race. Rats of all colours lived there- pure black, spotted black, brown and white. The black ones were strong and powerful and looked down at the weaker, but the virtuous and righteous, white ones. It was a case of reverse apartheid. This set the ethical and saintly white ones into a silent agitation. Fortunately for the white rats, the king himself was a symbol of untainted wisdom. To clear his kingdom of all vile and malicious activity became his priority. A surgical strike was imperative. One day he took a stern adamant decision to declare his kingdom fit only for the pure white rats. Black and brown ones or those with even a streak of these colours were barred from his territory. There was a great pandemonium. Pure white ones were few and far between. The place was occupied predominantly by black and brown ones; only they had chosen to colour themselves white to mingle in the masses. The king declared that all those with artificial colours would be caught and so it was best that they evacuate the place in harmony.

There was unrest in the entire kingdom. The displeasure at the king’s orders was distinctly evident. Those with artificial white colour could not openly criticize the new law. The tainted rats held a meeting and inferred ruefully that it was their last days here. There was veritably no choice. Meanwhile, the white ones slept peacefully in bliss.

Next day the Pied Piper was called. He had a special music which forced only the black and brown ones to follow him. Those with artificial colours would also be hypnotised by the music. At the break of dawn, the mesmeric notes and chords woke all those with even the slightest tarnish. They followed the pied piper helplessly, though fully aware of the fact that they were going to meet their end. The bewitching music left any other possibility. The pure black ones, the ones most dreaded to the society walked closely formulating a plan. As they neared the river, the Pied Piper stepped aside and all the rats fell into the river. The Pied Piper cried joyfully, in exultation of his victory. Now the kingdom would be free of all swindling and fraudulent practices. He heaved a sigh of relief and walked back to the now - new- kingdom where the white rats hugged in joy and relief. Gone were the days when they had to bow down in front of the menial blacks.

Meanwhile, the rats in the river drowned as they were not adapted to marine life. However, the black ones had long back learnt to swim as a precautionary measure. The story of their ancestors in Hamelin had taught them a lesson of survival instinct. Oblivious to the knowledge of other rats, they had learnt to live underwater too for a few days.

When the euphoria of expulsion of the tarnished rats had died down, life returned to normal in the kingdom. The king and the white rats were happy like never before. One dark night at the strike of 12, when the black rats could not hold much longer underwater, they decided to go back. The only dilemma remained that they would soon be recognisable amidst the white ones. Consequently, they came up with a plan.

Next day the white rats witnessed a sudden splurge in their numbers. They reported it to the king who decided to look into the matter himself. He summoned the leader of the new tribe and asked for their introduction. The leader said that they had travelled from foreign land to be here as they had heard a lot about the wise king. He requested the king to let them stay in his kingdom.

“See, O Lord, we are pink and not the banished black.”

The king consulted his advisors and agreed to let them reside there. He failed to glimpse the winks the painted pink ones gave each other.

That night, the wise king could not sleep. The black undercover of the painted pink ones had not escaped his notice. He was unable to comprehend how they had escaped the foolproof plan. As he tossed and turned to sleep, he thought, “It’s time for the Pied Piper to strike again.”

About the Author

Awantika Rukhaiyar

Joined: 30 Jul, 2015 | Location: , India


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