Recession Love
‘Tragedy hits Mediscript’... this news was being flashed on all the news channels. Some were talking about the incident, some were analysing the cause of the incident, some getting the reactions of families and friends.......
People all around her were discussing the same. But she, oblivious to the same, sat in the Starbucks cafe, sipping her coffee and staring out of the window. The blood stained knife lay next to her handbag, covered with her blue silk scarf. The foggy weather was creating its own mystery... outside everything was flashing for a few seconds and then vanishing. She loved it.
Angel Eyes ...the familiar ringtone broke the magic. “Hello Rehan, I am fine. What happened? No...I had no idea...no I was out, don’t you remember, Rishab had sent me to the project site? I overslept, I was tired. Don’t worry I will reach in an hour. Take care. Don’t worry I know you, everything is going to be fine love.”
She was smiling… a contended smile after a long time.
“What happened love? Who are these guys?” She looked at the visibly shaken Rehan, who was surrounded by the policemen and media persons.
“Rishab was found dead in his office and they are blaming me for his murder. I don’t know what’s happening. Tell them, how could I murder Rishab? He was my best friend, he was everything I had...” “Please tell them... I have not done anything...please save me, please save me.” Rehan was ranting like a mad man.
“Who is handling the investigations here? What’s happening here? Would somebody tell me?”
“Madam, who are you?” The tall guy who was observing the whole drama from the side walked up to her. “I am Chandan Singh, the investigating officer for this case ...though there is nothing much in the case to investigate... it’s an open and shut case. The professional rivalry between Mr. Rishab and Mr. Rehan is the reason. Mr. Rishab had told Mr. Rehan about his possible movement from the company, we have found out the draft of the letter which Mr. Rehan had received from Mr. Rishab. We have many witnesses to their argument last evening. The CCTV footage of the corridor also shows Mr. Rehan entering the room of Mr. Rishab and then after half an hour rushing out. There were two glasses of wine on Mr. Rishab’s table, with Mr. Rehan’s finger prints. We have found the murder weapon – the blood stained knife with his finger prints. I am sure the forensic report would prove that the blood was Mr. Rishab’s. 16 stabs, he surely hated Mr. Rishab. There is nothing more in this case.”
“Rehan, how could you, how could you do this? I had told you that together we can manage. Why, what was the need? You would have got some other opportunity, after all you were the silver medalist at IMB. Did you even think about me?” Crying loudly, she vigorously shook Rehan. “Madam, please control yourself.” Her whole world was swirling around her and she slumped in the arms of Chandan Singh. “Take this lady to hospital immediately”.
The TV in her hospital room was dissecting the hottest story “Murder of the youngest CEO of Mediscript”. The newspapers headlines were shouting “Recession takes its toll – Youngest CEO of Medicscript murdered by best friend and colleague who had just been given the pink slip.”
She was not listening, she was not reading. All she could hear was the terror in Rishab’s voice –
“No! No! This is not possible, it cannot happen, No Rina you can’t do this.”
“This is real Rishab, this is real,” she said while stabbing Rishab for the 3rd time. Rishab had tried to save himself, but taking that certificate course in forensic science in college surely was helping. Each stab was helping Rina achieve her goal. Rehan couldn’t utter anything else.
“I am Rina, a living creature who has feelings, who gets hurt, you and Rehan forgot that. For me love and friendship was everything, I walked out of the campus interview so that you two could get the position. I was contended, because I had my love Rehan and I had my friend you...Rishab...you. Then came the offer of Senior Manager...senior manager to the campus topper, and then to the head of operations with a start-up. I still accepted it, because I had both of you. For 5 years I took everything which you both gave me. Nothing was going fine...each day a part of me died. I died completely the day when Rehan offered me to you on a platter Rishab....no that was not friendship, that was not brotherhood. That was the price, the price which Rehan should have paid for his stupid decisions, the price for losing out on the biggest contract... the price to remain in the job. But I paid that price. Both of you were still not satisfied ...entertain the minister or get the pink slip. Wow, great HR practices at one of the top most companies in the country! You know after 5 years I had become nobody, a non-entity in the corporate world. Sorry, but the Rina you guys knew is dead. And this Rina, this Rina who is here with you now will not let anyone take decisions about her life.”
Rishab was bleeding, there was blood everywhere. Rina’s white see through dress was red. The only other colour on her was blue – the blue scarf, the last gift from Rehan. She didn’t remember when Rishab slumped; she didn’t remember how many times she stabbed him, with each drop of Rishab’s blood her anger was flowing out. After a few minutes, she got up, stabbed Rishab the 16th time with Rehan’s knife this time. She picked her knife, cleaned the traces of her visit and walked out of the secret door, the door which had led her to this hell, the door about which only the higher authorities in the company knew.
“Hello Rehan, do you also want me to do this and that too now? This is your baby Rehan and you know it. Thanks for the medical advice. Yes I am going. I hope this is the end... yes I believe you and love you... will give you a call once I reach, see you tomorrow.” Rina disconnected and drove away in the night. She was hoping for those magic words from Rehan – ‘Don’t go Rina, it was my biggest mistake done for the last time.’ But she knew she was hoping against hope. Miracles don’t happen; you have to do those miracles yourself.
“Rehan, I have reached. Yes everything is fine... I will see you tomorrow.” Switching off her mobile and herself, Rina gently knocked at the door. She had heard that the period before dawn is the darkest. This was to be her dirtiest darkest night, probably the last night in her living hell.
Rehan’s last sentence, “He loves wild cats and you are the wildest....just nail him and the deal,” was the only thing she remembered. They were burning her from inside. Tears were flowing from her eyes, she was not crying, it was the vitriol flowing.
“Ma’am, Ma’am are you feeling fine?” The nurse’s harried voice brought Rina back to her hospital bed.
“Yes I am fine, just feeling weak. I have lost everything.”
“I can understand Ma’am, your world has been shattered completely. I am really sorry about your baby. You have gone through a lot of emotional stress. It’s God’s will. No one can go against what God has destined and every action of his has some good in it – how would you have told your baby that his father was a murderer. You have a long life in front of you. Please be strong.”
Rina nodded... yes she has to be strong now.
‘Mediscript bounces back, The Phoenix rises’, for the last two days the TV channels across the country were just discussing this story. The Ambar Hall of the Taj was overflowing with journalists. Aditya Ray from WBC was questioning Mr. Gupta when Rina entered. “Mr. Gupta how did this turn around happen and that too in just two months. We would like to hear from you.” Mr. Gupta stood, walked up to Rina, “She is the reason for this turn around, Ladies and Gentleman I present the new CEO-cum-MD of Mediscript, Ms. Rina. One of the biggest government project, efficient manpower management, superb financial acumen – yes Mediscript has finally struck gold in her.” Everyone was now clamouring to speak to Rina... ma’am please, ma’am please.
Thank you Rishab and Rehan, Thank you for fixing that night with the minister... Rina wanted to shout this...but...
“Thank you Mr. Gupta, I am humbled by your faith in me and I assure everyone here that I would try and live up to the responsibilities entrusted on me. Yes I would answer your questions, one by one please...”
In Rina’s clutch her gold medal was shining brightly. The dark night had finally ended. The sun had finally risen.
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