A big Hi to all the fellow Readomaniacs.
Back in our school days we used to indulge in a variety of pleasurable acts; one of them being reading books. Don’t misunderstand me; I hated the academic books save the fragrance of printed pages in the brand new ones. But storybooks? It attracted me like the way a flower attracts honeybee. Often I got punished for reading a storybook stealthily kept under an academic one.
Vacations were better times when I could go through a fiction book with a clear conscience. Even my parents occasionally presented me with a fiction book.
Then I grew up, and grew older in no time. My craving for fiction channelled into that for literature and I even started trying my hand at the same. Not professionally though; I’ve got a different profession to cling on to.
Now I find myself in a strange labyrinth of social media boom with very few literature readers around. I’m sure this feeling isn’t a solitary one. We, the writers, endeavour to bring back the days of gratification of holding a refreshing paperback at a cosy corner, especially for the youngsters.
Believe me or not, it’s invigorating, it’s fun, it’s healthy and trendy- if you like.
Have a great time reading ahead.
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