• Published : 23 Dec, 2022
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Writers, I believe, are one of the queerest of living species. They love their moments of solitude to reflect, and they love to communicate and gel in their comfortable space. They are intent observers and are self-assured, yet on introspection, they tend to need a bit of reassurance. However, there can be wide variations. But one thing is constant: once afflicted by the writing-bug, they need an audience- for that quintessential reassurance. Hence the search for a publisher.
The cult of writing has gone a sea-change in recent years with the advent of electronic communication. The blog sites, webmags, social media, and self-publishing platforms; to name a few. So, almost anybody can write, spending a few bucks or otherwise. Few flourish, but most wither. Genuine readers are deprived of quality stuff. Worse still, some lose interest in going beyond classics, or are fade on garbage. Traditional publishers step in at this point.
In my long journey through the literary alleys I confronted many stumbling blocks. Tier one traditional publishers hardly care to cast a look at your manuscript if you’re already not a big name, or don’t belong to an aristocratic alma mater. Even if they do and select your submission, they’ll ask for an astronomical amount. And to believe they call themselves ‘traditional’! As for tier twos or threes, they always come up with conditions attached. Self-publishers don’t care what you write. They have poor editing, not so good type-setting and print, and no post-print commitment whatsoever.
My latest book has been published by Readomania. I had offers from two more respectable houses as well. The reason I chose Readomania was Dipnkar, to start with. He sounded enthusiastic about books and I noticed an urge in him to promote his house through quality stuff. He isn’t satisfied sitting over his laurels. Then I collected information about the house from social info sites. It was intriguing to see that Readomania focuses on quality, not quantity.
In my one year association with Readomania I kept being impressed. The book is as much their baby as it’s mine. They cooperate, they suggest, they’re available, and best: they’re involved throughout the process. Special words For the Managing Editor Ms. Indrani Ganguly. What an impeccable editing! Finally, the baby was allowed to see daylight. Cover page is praiseworthy. So is the print and paper quality.
Another thing worth mentioning here is the Readomania Website. This gives a platform to express and interact, though I saw the interaction part is a little subdued.
Later on, as a member of ‘Authors at Readomania’ WhatsApp group, I came to know of the delectable achievements of Readomania authors. If nothing, I can bask in their reflected glory as a fellow-author. A bucketful of congratulations to all of them.
I’m not sure how my book will fare in time to come, but Readomania with their realistic policy will give their best for sure.
2022 is nearing its end. We’ve seen Russia Ukraine war, topsy-turvy efforts to win over Covid, economic turbulence, and sporting extravaganzas- FIFA world cup topping the bill, this year. Our own India has gone through its pains and gains. Let’s look forward to a newer, colourful horizon in 2023.
At 63, I’m in the waning phase of my writing career. But I see a great future for the art of writing with so many exciting young authors in the pipeline.
Finally, let Readomania, along with its efficient bunch of staff and wonderful lot of authors, prosper and reach newer heights in the coming year, and beyond. Let bliss and happiness be gracious enough to embrace you with all their warmth.

About the Author

Debaprasad Mukherjee

Joined: 07 Mar, 2022 | Location: Bilaspur (CG), India

Doctor by profession, author by passion. Authored six books (three novels and three short stories). Been a part of few anthologies....

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