Today Anya, Jassie, Soma, Amar, Kena reach the bus-stop early. They are laughing and talking to each other. Today, their class is going to have a Plant Festival. The friends want to go to school quickly.
In the bus, Jassie shows Soma some seeds, ‘See, I got them from my grandfather’s farm.’
‘What will you do with them?’ Soma asked.
‘I will plant them in the school garden,’ said Jassie.
‘How many seeds have you got?’ Soma asks.
Jassie counts, ‘1,2,3,4,5. I have five seeds.’
‘I will help you to plant them,’ Soma says with a smile.
When they reach school, the friends join the other chattering classmates. Everyone is talking about the festival. The teacher tells the children to pick up one plant from many plants on the table. Each child happily picks up a small plant. Rishi takes two plants.
The teacher asks, ‘Rishi, you have to take one plant. Is there another plant in your hand?’
‘Yes, Miss,’ said Rishi.
‘Why do you need two plants?’ the teacher asks.
‘I want to plant one in the school garden and one in a pot at home,’ said Rishi.
‘Alright,’ says the teacher. ‘Take one plant to the garden, now. You can take the other plant when you go home.’
All the children walk outside with their plants. In the garden there are holes dug in the mud.
‘Miss, is this the place for our plants?’ asks Soma.
Anya asks, ‘Miss, how many plants do we put in one hole?’
‘We put one plant in each hole,’ says the teacher.
Each child puts a plant in a hole and fills the hole with mud. Then, they water the plant with the watering can.
Jassie says, ‘I have some seeds, Miss. I want to plant them.’
The teacher asks him, ‘How many seeds do you have?’
Jassie said, ‘I have five seeds, Miss.’
‘Alright,’ says the teacher, ‘Take a stick and make five holes in the ground. Plant one seed in one hole. Cover the holes with mud and water them.’
Soma, Anya, Kena, and Amar help Jassie to plant the five seeds in holes. They water the holes.
The teacher asks the children, ‘Did you enjoy the Plant Festival?’
‘Yes, Miss,’ shout the children. ‘We loved the Plant Festival.’
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