• Published : 05 Mar, 2014
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Draping a stole around my shoulders, I stepped out of my home, into the white cold around.

The snowflakes gently kissed my cheeks and melted. I checked for the gift I had brought for him, my senses flowing with excitement like cascading fluffy clouds.

"10years... long enough!!"


Appreciating the greetings of random people on the street, I zoned out as I swirled in the sparkling white pleasure.

15 minutes from my home and I was at "The Temptations". The place always reminded me of the time I first stumbled across him.


"Don't cry, no, please. Good gals don’t. The tears may freeze your eyes shut and a bad boy will run away with your Christmas gift," he said, kissing my tears away.

"What’s your name?"


"Maria, now take these chocolates and come let’s dance."

I still wonder why I joined him. Those eyes had magic.

He gave me the dream, the dream of life! Deep down, my soul felt protected, celebrated and treasured.


The December wind blew hard.

I was shivering. Christmas was blooming, naked trees and bare branches laden with heavy snow... Everyone was dancing to the phenomenal breeze. The world dressed in white was celebrating equality and joy.


I checked it again; I had been waiting for more than half an hour. I looked around me — the logs of fire, lovers ice-skating and swinging, crossed handed grasps, laughing and smiling until a kiss warmed their toes. All happy and red, the colour of Christmas! I kept staring at them till I felt my face burn due to the chilling cold. The ice melted in my shoes, soaking my feet almost freezing them solid.

I rushed inside and secured a table to stick around.

"Mmm... how to kill time!"

I kicked my heels as I waited, twiddling my thumbs to pass time. Lost in the cosy world around me, I licked my lips. Everything was just the same -- the marigold flame at the fireplace, people cuddling by it, red curtains, the family corner, music, the smell of freshly baked chocolate-chip cookies...

 Suddenly, I saw her, a bright face in a musty overcoat.

"Awww... she's a cherub." Her chubby cheeks, dimpled chin were beyond cute.

"She would be there with her family, lucky child... "


Her winsome eyes were looking for something. My eyes followed this child who looked like a kewpie doll. All of a sudden, she bent down and stood up with something.

Her smile turned mirthless. The playful wind suddenly turned into a yowling beast, flinging pieces of pain at my heart. The warm ups gave no resistance to the snarling cold seeking to kill me with a breath made more of memories than of icy wind.


I looked around for her; she was nowhere to be seen.

Awful enough I flew around to find her. Running recklessly, running to her, running from the memories, I was clueless.

The icy wind tore through my hair, a blend of emotions, but none could distract me from the fact that I had to run — “I have to run, I have to get away!”


"There she is!”

I spotted the familiar colour of her overcoat, seeking something out of waste.

"Hey...what are you doing behind those dust packs?" I asked.

A shudder racked her body, reminding me of something I had gone through.

Her eyes wandered away, her lips bending down at the sides.

I fought for composure...

"What’s your name??"

She shrugged.

"Can I get a penny?" she asked, unbolting her fingers slowly, her face wet with tears!

"No... You can't"

A tear rolled down the glittering eyes.

"I'll gift you 'the Dream'.”...I added.

She glared at me ceaselessly.

"I’ll give you food, care and love"

"There is nothing with which I can pay," she said, silently creeping to the other side.

"You can give me your word," I shouted. "Vow you will never plead for anything; you would never tug round the wastes of life. Forget whatever reduced you to begging and make a new start, a change to make your happiness such that no one can snatch it! Surrender yourself to the ultimate dream of life... Promise me!!"

She turned and gave a disbelieving laugh.


"Agreed?"I enquired.

Her eyes became softer.

“Don’t cry, no, please. Good gals don’t. The tears may freeze your eyes shut and a bad boy will run away with your Christmas gift, “I said and hugged her tight.

"What’s your name?"

"Rose! Rose with a pink nose."And she shrieked with laughter and ran away, promising she would retreat, to the path of snow that would never end!

About the Author

Venu Pandey

Joined: 29 Jan, 2014 | Location: ,


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