One day our wedding bells will ring, All will start to sing,
Down the aisle you'll walk
You will be in a bright white frock
I'll be waiting for u with so much of love in my heart
Now, we will be no more apart.
On our wedding day we'll have vows to take and prayers to say,
church will be filled with stars on the very day,
Now, its time to exchange the ring,
our hearts will start to sing,
a promise to have and to hold will begin,
My princess will look gorgeous in a gown of white
'looking an angel from above is such a wondrous sight'
I'll be looking at you through your veil,
will see your face when you take my name.
Two arms to be embraced by eternally,
Two lips to kiss so passionately,
Our dreams will come true,
that will be memorable day of our life,
and you are now my perfect wife,
I promise to be the perfect husband too,
From this day onward, you will not walk alone,
My heart will be your shelter and my arms will be your home.
I love you and I know that God has ordained this love. Because of this I desire to be your husband.
I promise to be faithful to you. I promise to love, guide and protect you
as christ does his church and as long as we both are alive.
About the Author
