And there come parchments from territories far away,
Not to forget the shades of bliss
That hid you from the scorching parodies.
When the whole world mocks with chilling doctrines,
That’s when memories will shed a tear
From the eyes that pretend to be happy.
The feckless lips, that once sung tunes of felicity,
Are now but shadowed with fathoms of fallacies,
Extinguishing the flares of being flawless.
And there comes a zephyr shaking the heart,
Not to give up to the phantoms of darkness,
When there is a guiding light within you.
Nothing can hinder the mosses,
Growing from the glitch conscience,
When there are mongrels ruling you.
Comes such a reverberation from a nearby soul,
Unexpressed and unbound,
That never separates me from you, Mom.
About the Author
