Nomads we all are,
for none can deny the quest of refuge,
For Nomads roam on valleys,
Sadness roams on us.
Why the world says Nomad homeless?
Don’t their lovers do refrain from their hearts?
They journey and sleep all dusk,
We journey and awake all dusk.
For nomads morrow is mere nothing,
Then why our morrow has lost something?
The Nomad quests and survive,
We survive and quest.
Nomads we all are,
For none can deny the quest of companions,
For the denial of quest is a big lie,
None can even escape in heaven.
Why the world says such a lie?
For how long the pain can hide?
Listen, my dear world for a while,
You are just another story of mine.
For when against the stream you hike,
You want to see a face you like.
For Nomads we all are,
Neither lord dare deny.
About the Author
