“It is a grave sin,
To be so lean!
Looking like a scrawny stick,
Don’t you feel sick?”
I was a little hurt and very worried.
I had to do something about it.
So I talked to a friend who weighs a little more,
And asked what she ate that she’s not lean anymore.
“Does it look that bad?”
She was obviously embarrassed.
But she looked like a complete woman,
Don’t they say that it’s the latest fashion?
She shook her head.
What they say she repeated,
“It is a grave sin,
To not be lean and thin.
Your clothes don’t fit,
Aren’t you ashamed of it?”
So I talked to a friend who weighs a little less,
And asked what she did to get such skinniness.
“Well, curves I do lack.”
She seemed taken aback.
But she looked like a model on a runway,
Isn’t that what they happen to say?
She shook her head.
What they say she repeated,
“It is a grave sin,
To be so thin!
Perhaps you don’t know,
But you look like a scarecrow.”
So I spoke to more women, each with a different weight,
And after all my conversations, here’s what I get.
It is a great sin,
Only if you give in.
To the demands of another,
Who doesn’t even matter.
Let no one kill the spring in our ways,
Let no one take the joy from our days.
May our hearts be hopeful and light,
Coz nobody’s ever told that they weigh just right.
About the Author
