• Published : 13 Jun, 2014
  • Comments : 2
  • Rating : 0

 At a distance a pair of eyes

 with an unusual gleam sparkled

like the stars in the sky that night

 singing out their presence in a tune

of divine melody, while they twinkled.

Enrapturing me in a divine melody, 

illuminating each and every unit

of this haggard and woe-begone soul

unendowed with the radiance of joy

for years that passed with unexplored melancholy.

My soul was drenched with a light of hope,

it was quenching its thirst rapidly

and then asking for more

like the broken lands after severe drought

which takes in infinite volumes of the life saving liquid

to get  back to its original form.

The flow of happiness was imparted

in a limitless ,unending, fashion

and the attenuated soul continued

extracting intoxicating pleasures without

the slightest idea it was amere illusion.

Being unaware of the fact that this flow

was deceptive, ephemeral in nature

I paid no heed to the acrimonius truth

that we never really had an encounter.

That day was it the negligence in my attitude

towards the blatant truth ihad to face.

Today my heart lies inathousand pieces lies cracked

Maybe, it was the impeccable, unconditional  

love, that engendered in my soul

was slowly transforming me intpo a mad

little did I know, there were no strings attached...

About the Author

Aishwarya Biswas

Joined: 29 May, 2014 | Location: , India


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