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Let me guess, you are still not sure why did you pick up this book, ostensibly another positive psychology self-help book. You may even be thinking, “if you have read one of them, you’ve read them all”. Well, prima facie, you would not be wrong in your thought process. But allow me to put across as to what is different in the book you hold in your hands. Firstly, the author, that is me, is a professional soldier who has been in the rough and tumble of active combat for the last 32 years. The book contains the essence of all those tough times when hardships and at times near-death stared me in the face. When I was not sure whether I or my comrades will come out safe and alive from the tricky situations and hostile surroundings we found ourselves in. Life is a great teacher and in my case, it has been a very generous one. I earnestly desire to put across my distilled life-wisdom before you.

Secondly, while all of us have our life experiences, very few emerge happy, successful, and wealthy out of the vicissitudes of life. I have been singularly lucky to have reached the top half-percent of my organisation (and still counting) without any major loss or injury. I am happy and contended on physical, mental, spiritual, professional, social, financial, and family fronts—in short, enjoying a well-balanced life on my Wheel of Life. You will learn about this delightful concept, originally propagated by Zig Ziglar, in this book. Understandably, I have managed to do a few things right, while doing many things wrongly.

I wish to share both with you to take a well-reasoned decision in life. Thirdly, it is my firm belief that success and successful people leave clues behind which we will do well to emulate. Of course, it should not be blind copying, but certain tenets could be extracted out of these life stories, which if followed with Hope of Success, are bound to help us reach our goals. In this book, you will find this elixir of lives and times of many successful (or otherwise) people, products, and services, which will invigorate and turbo-charge your search for success and happiness.

Lastly, I firmly believe in the treasure-trove of wisdom contained in our scriptures, irrespective of religions. Sadly, we have picked up the ritualism of religions as the end itself rather than considering them as the means to the end, that is happiness and success in life. This book contains my interpretation of major scriptures and what they teach us to live a contended and well-balanced life. I have divided the book into nine simple steps, referred to as Nine to Fine, which have helped me, a common man, achieve success and happiness. Many of these steps were taken unknowingly at that time but have been thoughtfully remembered and collated at one place, to provide a blueprint for happiness. I wish and pray for your success.

Maj. Gen. Anand Saxena

About the Author

Anand Saxena

Joined: 11 Jun, 2021 | Location: ,

Major General Anand Saxena has served in challenging operational conditions with multiple tenures in J&K and the North East in his 34 years of service. He is also a Helicopter pilot with vast combat flying experience. He is the epitome of a true ...

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