It was probably two or three days ago, my father made a swing inside our house tying a rope to the roof and placing a hard board at the bottom so that we could sit on it comfortably while swinging. It wasn't until yesterday, after finishing with all my exams did I notice it, though many of my cousins were making a riot out of it, arguing who is next, who swung the most, who didn't etc etc.
Seeing all those faces flushed with happiness, I felt intrigued to have a go too. But, alas! These little kids were very strict in sticking to their rules. There was a long line of them who were claiming the swing respectively and my sister said I had to wait until they were all done.
Now, if any of you knew at least a tiny bit about me, you would know about my weakness in being patient at these sort of moments. I didn't bother to wait there since I found it difficult to suppress the urge to knock whoever was seated on the swing away and invade their place so I could swing at last. Realizing that I won't do the merry kids any good, I dropped the idea for the time being and went back to my room to resume what I was doing earlier. What, you ask? I was reading, obviously.
The day bloomed serenely and it was really a beautiful one. I remembered that it's the beginning of spring season and I started looking at the world outside in another perspective though the seasonal changes aren't that visible in the country I live.
I was so happy when I noticed the swing vacated, with no more children around demanding to have a go, or shouting at their loudest. It's the day before the school commences and most of them had gone to the school since their teachers wanted them to be there in order to make the classrooms appropriate for studies before the end of holidays.
I was swinging merrily, it was an awesome feeling. I've always loved swinging. As I swung and flew higher and higher, I was reminded of my beautiful childhood and I couldn't help the memories surging, they kept gushing through my mind making me feel light after a long time. Whenever I get a chance to visit the park near our old residence, I definitely go searching for a swing. Nothing was more funnier than swinging for me at that time, and I felt the same feeling rush in today and the blood flowing in my veins had a new boost to it.
I got startled as I felt someone push me from behind and I jumped down instantly from the swing only to realize it was my younger sister. I asked her about the cleaning and she said that their teacher hadn't requested them to come. Not interested in dragging the conversation any further, I just hopped on to the seat again and started to swing.
My sister asked me to stamp my feet harder on the floor occasionally asking me to increase the speed, for I was avoiding doing it in an attempt to maintain the speed and was trying not to swing too fast since I didn't want my feet to get knocked on the door which was few yards away from the swing. Sensing my ignorance to her suggestion she paced behind me and got hold of the swing's handles. I felt annoyed and asked her to go away. But then, what she said made me ponder deep.
My sister told me that if I don't keep stamping my feet in a rhythm, the swing will eventually get slower and then stop. So she was there to help me from it, she uttered. And also she said that I hadn't been swinging in a straight line as the swing kept moving in a different angle. She wanted to push me making it straight and fast.
This was the incident that made me compare our life with the swing. The swing goes high and then stoops low. Like wise, we rise high in our life and we knew that we'd have to come down there after. Sometimes we need others to lend a hand and give a push on our backs.
The one who swings fails to notice themselves going astray at times and we need someone else to bring us back to the correct path. To keep nagging us to never quit, building new hopes and watch for us if we slip the line. Whatever happens, either we swing fast or slow, we all knew that it has to come to a rest at one point or another and we persevere to get the maximum use of that time that has been provided to us, determined to experience the bliss we are told about.
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