A fine winter afternoon it was,
That we got a fabulous news.
Daddy was going to buy a car!
Maruti 800 it would be,
We knew without a doubt.
The colour was obvious too,
Nothing except “white” would do.
What a lovely feeling it was,
Almost like being on cloud nine.
We got a beautiful idol of Lord Ganesha for it,
Orange colour it was, I still recall.
It drove us to places,
Helping us weave memories.
Did not know back then,
How cherished each would be.
Now the time has flown, the car has changed,
But the soul within remains the same.
As if, not just a car it was,
It was the symbol of simplicity.
I still yearn for my Maruti 800, my family car,
May be not for the physicality of it,
But more for the memories attached with it.
An image of it will always stand out in my heart,
A gleaming white car with my Dad beside it.
Thanks to the long distances,
Now we spend more time in car while travelling,
But the feeling is never the same,
Like the adrenalin brought by my first Maruti 800.
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