• Published : 03 May, 2015
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Fifteen years after staying here,
I noticed, I hadn't noticed her
Without much thought did I decide,
Got interested and my mind wide

As my stay slowed down,
Discovered I, deep down care much wasted,
Tasted serenity combined with chaos.

For I thought my mind was playing tricks,
for I felt unknown senses,
Senseless was I, to be fooled.
Love they say, tricks I protest,
Not a lament, not a loon,
Just a penciled hand and a lonely mind,
A mind, with a mirage of a broken heart.

Drama, a beautiful word it is,
almost precisely describes life,
Anna, the name I remember,
the name synonymous with drama,
For I was a very enthusiastic audience,
Every night did I return,
Every night of bad performance.

Realization comes to men,
after he's Barbie's ex-Ken.
When will my mind go to rest?
For these feelings are a pest.
Devising traps for thy self,
Lost in time, in mind's games
Blinded in the dark, like an elf,
Stepping into the next trap like a new one, 
Down, down, down I go,
My stay has become ever slow.

Rocks and boulders at my feet,
down the lonely walk on this empty street.
As I look up, there is no sky,
No twinkling stars, everything so dry.
These thoughts, won't leave my mind,
Stuck firmly on top, for me to grind.
If the so called, were so kind,
'Oh God! Let me leave her behind! "

I've stayed for three more years,
She still haunts me, leaves me in tears.

About the Author


Joined: 09 Nov, 2014 | Location: ,


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