I thought I saw a ray of light,
A light to walk me through.
The thick and thin of life they say,
But as I drew nearer, farther went the light.
It was like a mirage in the middle of a dessert.
I had heard of it of course, but had never seen it.
I felt like a nomad, wandering about.
Trying to overcome the heat.
Yes, heat it was, but not of sunlight!
This one was different.
Perhaps more within.
The heat of making ends meet,
Of making people around happy,
Of making yourself a sacrificial lamb, so each could relish.
Suddenly, woke up to an inner voice speaking to me,
What good would you be if you could not keep yourself happy?
A life full of regrets it would be,
Is this how you want to be?
I am still following the light, but it is now my Guiding light.
It keeps me company as I discover more of me,
More determined to fulfill my dreams,
More than that, determined to continue to dream.
About the Author
