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Being married to a Naval officer has its own experiences. We get the chance of building lifelong relations. This proved to be true in my life. It was my first Karva Chauth. We have a ritual where we give 'Bayna' to our mom in law.

We were posted in Cochin, and my mom-in-law couldn't come there. I was upset as my Pooja couldn't be completed without it.

My husband's CO's wife very lovingly told me to give the bayna to her. That was in 2001. That day created a special bond between us. Since that day, every year, no matter where we were posted, she called me on every Karva Chauth without fail. And I used to gift her something as a ‘bayna’. She treats me like her daughter in law till date.

My husband left the services but that didn’t change our relationship. In fact, it grew stronger than before. Whenever they came to Noida, they made it a point to stay with us for a couple of days. My husband's tenure gave me a chance to interact with many senior officers' wives but the special bond which I share with her is very precious.

My mom-in-law passed away in the year 2020. From that year onwards she started sending money online for mehndi, which is given by the mom-in-law. I am really filled with gratitude towards her for this gesture.

She is not my real mom-in-law, but our bond is very pure and strong. Such relationships are very delicate & the reward is very fulfilling. I met her as a stranger, but now she is my mom, a friend, a philosopher, and a guide. I truly wish that t every person gets someone like her in her life.



About the Author

Rashmi Kaushik

Joined: 30 Jan, 2025 | Location: Noida, India

I am an Author, Creative Writing Coach and editor. I love to weave stories and also am an avid reader. Writing is my passion. All my books are available on Amazon....

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