My alien friend
Last night, through my window, an alien dropped in
His single antenna buzzing sharp as a pin
The vibrations hummed and beamed to me
I awoke up dazed, rubbing eyes to see.
He spoke not a word--didn’t have a mouth
Gestured his antenna, ‘Come with me South.’
Though jittery and trembling, I jumped on the sill,
Fear caught my throat like a huge stuck pill.
Poised on the edge, we took a huge leap.
Into space I was flying, was I asleep?
Twisting and turning a meteoric trail,
Suns, moons, and stars, new worlds we hail.
O my gosh! What wondrous sights I could see!
I could hardly believe what my eyes showed me.
On and on, up and down, over and under
Past comets and asteroids, we smoothly meander.
At last my eyelids droop and ache
And I plunge into a velvety lake.
When the day breaks and I rise at dawn
My alien friend, by then, has gone.
But I am sure it is he
And on my pillow I see,
Glittery sparks of starry dust
To remember him---I will, I must.
About the Author
