• Published : 14 May, 2015
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24 December, 2042 10:17 PM                              

Akshay came to India after many years. Though India had progressed so much during this time, it still had the aroma of tradition and values which are an intrinsic part of its culture. It had been only three days since Akshay landed in India but it was already time to return much against his wishes. This was because of his daughter, Deepika. He had tagged her along forcefully, but she was now hell bent on returning. Probably she did not like her “dad’s India”. Akshay had thought that his daughter, used to the nuclear family back in the US, would love to meet her family in India. He had planned this trip for long. He wanted to show Deepika the house in Manali where he was born. He wanted to take her to Jalandhar where his whole childhood passed playing around in the streets. Deepika hadn’t visited the Taj Mahal yet. He had to take her there also. They both had made so many plans before coming to India about where they will go, whom they would meet and so on but unfortunately, Deepika just could not adjust to India and wanted to return as soon as possible.

Akshay’s mom said that maybe an evil eye trapped her and asked him to visit a saint but he did not listen to her and, with a broken heart, planned to return to New York. Perhaps Deepika was missing her home and friends, he thought. She was down with fever since the previous night but was better now.

Sitting at a restaurant near the Indira Gandhi International Airport in New Delhi, Akshay had slipped into a reverie when he heard a young girl’s voice. “Excuse me, sir, I’m a huge fan of yours. I have read all your books. Can you please give me your autograph?”

Akshay suddenly came back to senses and saw a girl, about 22-23 years of gae, holding a pen and a pad.

“Sure ... and thanks for reading all my books.”

Akshay smiled at her and gave her the autograph.

She thanked him profusely and left.

It was around quarter to eleven at night. Many flights were late due to Delhi’s infamous December fog. There was still a lot of time of time for his flight. Sleep was overcoming him. Akshay called the waiter and ordered a cup of tea.

The waiter brought him a cup of black tea soon. Taking sips, Akshay soon got lost in his childhood memories. He remembered his school, the fun he had with his friends, riding on a  bike around Jalandhar on Holi, bursting crackers on Diwali, flying kites on Basant Panchami. He remembered how one day he realised that he was no more a kid and had responsibilities; that he had to work hard to become something in life. He had then decided to move to New York. It had been 24 years since he left Jalandhar but he still remembered the whole city. His house in Shakti Nagar and the park in front of it where he used to play as a child, Model Town, Devi Talaab Temple and Burlton Park where he would play cricket after bunking school. There were so many memories to cherish about Jalandhar!

It was around 11.30 PM when his phone rang. It was his mother calling.

“Good evening…”

“Good evening … How is Deepika now?”

“Mom, she is fine now. She is sleeping in the hotel room. Did you call for some reason?”

“Thank God. I just called to ask about her”

“Okay. You did not sleep till now?”

“No, I was just about to sleep”

“Okay good night…” Akshay disconnected the phone and kept it in his pocket. He looked around the restaurant; it was quite full for that time of the night. Suddenly a lady in her forties entered the restaurant. She looked very familiar to Akshay and as soon as she came in front, he was able to recognize her. Was it really her? Yes, it was indeed! How could he forget her?

His heart fluttered and Akshay couldn’t keep his eyes off her! Yes, the girl who had stolen his heart and haunted his dreams for years was sitting in front of him. His heart missed a beat as she entered the restaurant. So many heads turned in her direction as she walked in. The stunning woman selected a table in front of him and quietly sat down. She ordered a cup of coffee for herself. Then she took out a book from her tote bag. Perhaps she had not seen him yet. She brought back those memories which Akshay had always wanted to forget but he had not succeeded till now. And how could he? After all she was his first love, his dream girl whom he had loved from the bottom of his heart. She was the one who had taught him what life was about and how to live. She was the one who had become his inspiration while he struggled hard to win life’s battles. She had taught him to smile, to laugh and to cry. He had also learnt to lie to people that he had totally forgotten her. Yes, these memories were connected with an incredible girl, a girl who had made him what he was today – a successful writer!

She was completely lost in the book, not aware about the world around her and he was stealing a look every now and then. How much had she changed. Her once flawless face now had fine wrinkles. She was wearing a gray shawl and an olive green salwar kameez. It was ironical that all these years he had yearned for her, pined for just a glimpse of her and now she was in front of him and he was unable to say anything to her. He wanted to remove the distance between them and ask her how she was but Akshay didn’t have the guts to approach her. What if she didn’t recognise him? For a minute he doubted if she was the same girl. But his heart told him that she was indeed Deepika. One can forget other people but never the face of his beloved. He thought for a long time. Time was ticking away. At last he took a deep breath, summoning his courage and then with confidence, turned his head in her direction and whispered softly, “Deepika.” His voice carried the emotions which were hidden in his heart since long.

She immediately looked in his direction and their eyes met for few seconds. It seemed as if she had recognised him. What was in those eyes? It was as if they were complaining to him as to where he had disappeared. Her lips parted a bit and fluttered as if to ask him, “Where were you so long? I am not going to speak to you! You didn’t call me even once.” He noticed that she had curled her hair. Was it done only for him because he used to love it that way? His writer mind galloped to a frenzied speed and he thought so much in these few minutes. His mind tried to reason with his trembling heart that Deepika was married and she might be a mother too, but in vain. Few years ago, when he was in New York, Deepika’s brother had sent him her wedding card which had broken his heart into a million pieces. He had decided to not attend the wedding. But Akshay had tucked the card away carefully in a drawer and he still had it. 

Finally, she blinked. Deepika bit her lips as she said in a shaky voice, “Akshay, is it really you?”

“Yes, Deepika.” He smiled. “Thank God you recognised me!” With that he got up from his chair and joined her.

He thought she would tell him about how she could never forget him; that he was never out of her thoughts. But instead she said, “Oh yes, of course I did. How are you doing?”

His voice was low with disappointment. “I am feeling much better after seeing you.”

She couldn’t understand it. Deepika arched an eyebrow. “What are you saying?”

“Nothing!” He tried to wave it off. “I am doing good. How is life?” He never understood why he lost all control in front of her. He whispered to his heart to go slow.

“I am good too. Where are you settled?”

“I live in New York and you?” His gaze went to his expensive wrist watch. “By the way, Merry Christmas!”

“Oh! Same to you. I still live in Jalandhar.”

The waiter served her coffee. “Thanks,” said she to him and then turning to Akshay, asked, “What will you have?”

“Thanks. I don’t want anything.”

There was silence as Deepika lifted her cup and took a sip of the hot beverage. The chemistry between them was still apparent and it vibrated in the air. Not able to bear the silence anymore, Akshay said, “You know, you’re really blessed. Staying in your own country while I had to go away and settle somewhere else.”

“Hmm.” A tuft of hair had come out on her forehead. She kept the cup back and tucked them behind her ear. “True!” She smiled at him for the first time now. “You really talk well!”

He wished she would have seen the deeper meaning behind his words. The things which he had always wanted to tell her but couldn’t; the things which he had buried in his heart. He wished if she could read those unsaid words in his eyes.

Felling helpless, Akshay sighed. “Life has a way to teach!”

“How is everybody at home? What about your husband? How is his sports business doing? What about your children? They must have grown up by now.”

"Everything is fine. You tell me something about yourself; have you got married?”  asked Deepika in an eager voice.

"Yes, had to. One can't live life thinking about a single person all the time. One has to move on." Akshay said this to hurt Deepika, to make her realize that he had forgotten her and was happy with his life. But deep inside he knew that not a single day went by when he had not thought about her.  He just could not figure out how the past 22 years just flew by him. For him it seemed only yesterday that he saw Deepika going to school, her hair done up in two braids. He still remembered how he used to park himself in a tea stall 20 minutes before Deepika's school got over and then follow her auto in his bike as if her family had paid him to escort her home. He used to chat with her on Facebook for hours and if she ever commented on his post then he would just keep on looking at her reply for hours.

He was lost in his thoughts when Deepika interjected, "Oh that's good, so what does your wife do?"

"Eh ... lawyer ... she is a lawyer."

"She hasn't come with you?"

"No, she doesn't like India like my daughter. I have somehow managed to bring my daughter but Aarna had some work and stayed back."

"Hmm ... where is your daughter?" asked Deepika with a wide grin.

"She is resting in her hotel room."

"Oh. What is her name? What does she do?"

"Deepika ... her name is Deepika."

May be Akshay wanted a logical explanation for the questions that people put to him about the name Deepika tattooed on his arm.

Deepika was silent for sometime then she asked with a smile on her face, "What does she do?"

"She is in the 11th grade. She wants to become a doctor."

"That's nice," Deepika said.

"By the way, how come you are here at this place?" asked Akshay.

"Oh, I forgot to mention, my daughter is coming from Canada after completing her engineering. I am here to receive her."

"Good! What's her name?" Akshay asked, hoping that it would be Akshaya.

"Tamanna," said Deepika and it seemed that Akshay's hopes just crumbled.

"And you, Akshay, you are quite secretive. You didn't even invite me to your wedding."

"Oh ... everything happened so fast. My family selected the girl for me and sent me the information that they had found a match for me and I had to be present for the wedding," said Akshay.

Deepika laughed and said, “Akshay, your life is completely theatrical and I wish I could write a book on it, but unlike you, I am not good with words. But if ever I write a book, the title would be: ‘The Adventures of Akshay Kumar Sharma’."

“You must write since bestsellers are too rare these days,” Akshay jested.

“Of course!” Deepika chuckled.

Deepika then looked at her cell phone. It was time for her daughter Tamanna’s flight to land.

“Okay, Akshay, I should leave now. It was really nice meeting you. My daughter’s flight is about to land and I have to go to Terminal 3 to receive her,” Deepika said, smiling.

"Okay. I'll accompany you, this way even I will get a chance to meet your daughter,” said Akshay.

Deepika hesitantly agreed.

Akshay understood from Deepika’s expressions that she was not too keen about introducing her daughter to him but he wasn’t ready to part with her so soon.

“Deepika, I must call my daughter too. She was sleeping when I left the room. It would be time for our flight soon.”


Akshay went to his room and came back with his daughter, Deepika.

“Deepika, she is Deepika my friend and Deepika, she is Deepika, my daughter,” said Akshay, smiling at the confusing introduction.

"Oh, Dad, she must be your best friend after whom you named me.”

“Hmm, yes, she is the same.”

Deepika didn’t say anything. Quietly they went to the airport in her car.

They collected the visitors’ tickets and then walked inside the airport.

After a while, Deepika’s face lit up when she saw a young woman approaching her. She opened her arms to hug her daughter Tamanna.

“Tamanna, meet Akshay, your father’s friend and this is his daughter, Deepika.” There was a tone of nervousness in her voice.

“Mom….” Tamanna said in a hesitant voice looking at Deepika.

“Kid, say hello to Uncle,” said Deepika.

“Hello, Uncle. Merry Christmas!”

Akshay and his daughter wished her back warmly.

“Uncle, I’ve read every book of yours, and I am a regular reader of your articles published in the newspapers. I love them.”

Deepika cut in, “Come on, it’s quite late. We should leave now.”

“Thanks, Tamanna,” said Akshay.

“But Mom...” Tamanna stated saying but Deepika held her hand, gave her a look and said, “Let’s go now”.

There was a slight awkwardness in the air. Akshay couldn’t quite understand what was happening.

“Okay, Akshay, we will be leaving now.”

“Yes, sure.” Akshay wished he could tell them to stay a little longer. They had been chatting for two hours, but time seemed to fly.

“Could you please hold on for a moment?” Akshay asked. He went a little further, took out a piece of paper from his coat, kept it on table and started writing on it. After a minute, he neatly folded the paper and gave it to Deepika.

“What is this?” asked Deepika.

“Nothing. Just a small poem I wrote. If you like it, do call and tell me about it. I have also written my phone number on this paper. Go home and read it in your comfort, when you feel like,” Akshay said in a deep, serious tone.

Deepika found it a little weird. She thought it was just an excuse for Akshay to pass on his phone number to her.

“I will surely read it,” she said, keeping the paper in her handbag.

Deepika and Tamanna bid farewell and walked out of the airport.

Akshay started missing her the moment she turned her back. Only he could understand how he felt. How he wished time would come to a halt and Deepika would never go out of his sight. That’s what first love is, something a person never forgets his whole life. Akshay’s eyes followed Deepika till she was no more visible.

As soon as they were out of the gate, Tamanna said to Deepika angrily, “Mom, why dint you tell him?”

“You be quiet,” said Deepika.

“But Mom...”

Deepika and Tamanna sat in the car.

“Mumma, you should have told him at least once. Who knows when will you meet him again, or will you ever get to meet him again or not. Why didn’t you even try telling him?” Tamanna spoke sadly.

“Baby, please stop it.”

“This is the limit. Why do you always try to shut me off? I can’t see you sad like this. Why didn’t you tell him that you never got married? Why didn’t you tell him that you backed off on your wedding day? Why didn’t you tell him how much you tried to search him, but could get in touch with him? Why didn’t you tell him that you adopted me after reading his article on ‘Child Adoption’ in the newspaper? Why, Mumma, why?”

“Because I don’t want to interfere in his life. Akshay is married; you’ve already met his daughter. He is very happy with his life,” replied Deepika.

“But, Mom, you should have told him about yourself, that you spent all your life waiting for him. At least he should know this.”

“You won’t understand this,” Deepika said to her daughter.

She turned her face towards the window. Maybe she was trying to hide her tears from Tamanna. Her daughter could not say anything further.

About half an hour later, Tamanna broke the silence and said, “Mumma, at least read that paper he gave you. Didn’t he mention that he has written his phone number? I want to call him and tell him everything, I just cannot take this anymore. Please, Mumma.”

“I don’t feel like reading it right now, Tamanna. You can read it if you want to. And don’t you dare call him and tell him anything. Swear on me, you won’t.”

Tamanna took out the note from Deepika’s handbag and started reading it silently. She was stunned.



“Read this.”

“Tamanna dear, didn’t I tell you that I don’t want to read it right now.”

“For God’s sake, Mom, please read it,” Tamanna was angry all of a sudden.

Deepika took the note and starting reading it. She was stunned. Tears rolled down her eyes and fell on the paper.

“Driver, take us back to the airport,” Deepika told the driver.

The driver turned the car back towards the airport.

“Driver Uncle, could you please go a little faster. Some misconceptions have to cleared, for people who live not for themselves, but for the sake of others,” Tamanna said to the driver.

For rest of the journey neither Deepika nor Tamanna spoke a word. As soon as they reached the airport, they ran inside. But neither Akshay nor his daughter could be seen. After searching for a while, they came to know that the flight for New York had already taken off.

“Mumma, I was urging you to tell him everything, but you wouldn’t even listen to me. He hasn’t even written his phone number on the note,” said Tamanna.

Deepika scanned the paper back and front and then stuffed it back in her handbag. She turned back and Tamanna followed her. They came out of the airport and sat in their car.

“Driver, let’s go home,” Deepika told the driver.

Akshay’s words flashed in front of her eyes: “Deepika, I wanted to tell you something, but couldn’t quite gather myself to say it, so I am writing it down here. I never got married. I adopted my daughter, Deepika. What could I do? I was so much in love with you that I could never think of loving someone else ever again. Crazy isn’t it? Deepika, I don’t want to interfere in your life. I wish you happiness wherever you go. For me, your memories are enough to survive this lifetime.”

About the Author

Akshay Kumar Sharma

Joined: 21 Apr, 2015 | Location: , India

Akshay Kumar Sharma (born Nov 02, 1995) is an Indian entrepreneur, philanthropist, author and investor. He is the founder and CEO of Akshay Kumar Sharma Group. He is also the Managing Director (MD) of UltraCash (Affiliate mar...

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