Soothing drops, lush leaves, and the scented petals
Delighted souls with the needs as endless as the pitter-patter
Oh! The same streaks of lightning can be so fatal
And the rampant streams now become a traitor!
So, Mr. Human! You see how it changes…
It’s not the game of nature; Alas! It’s 'human nature'
A genius mind, two priceless eyes
Oh! It seems to be just a human evolution
Pity us; it’s an hour of mental revolution!
Neither the luxuries nor the hefty structures
Can instill in us a lofty mindset
Alter one's thoughts, let the negativity puncture
For only then, the deriders see the outlet
To pour out censure, to broaden their minds
To dwindle the nasty habits of imprecation
Let us move in amity to unfold the binds
Of wrath, misdemeanor, and retaliation
Stop not, until it begins-the hour of mental revolution!
See the bright, pat on the right
Evolve the seed of domination into partnership
Derail the stubborn outlook, let the brain enlighten
Proliferate healthy ideas, fillip a strong kinship
Eulogise efforts, foster a real society
Don't let the gist of humanity puzzle in accusation
Fading the reign of discrimination, let’s move with integrity
For today's step leads to the pedestal of our generation
So, maintain decorum and propagate mental revolution!
About the Author
