The trajectory of a hierarchy
followed through generations.
Some protested but mostly abide
submitting to the laid norms.
A journey travelled from times immemorial
on the paths laid by someone unknown.
The unjustified ways of man-made society,
forcibly brutalizing the other human existence.
They whom we call our fore-fathers
created a four-fold caste system –
Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vysya and Sudra ;
Else you are margined to be an Out-caste.
Get Education
Get Medication
Get Insurance
but Get it only in the hierarchy.
If a Brahmin – you’d be worshipped!
If a Kshatriya – You’d be taken in Awe!
If a Vysya- Struggle a bit!
But if a Sudra – Pity, Pity , Pity!
And for the outcaste –
Advised to be out of the system!
A baseless division of society, where
One’ superiority based on other’s dehumanizing.
A ruthless criteria of segregation, where
One’s abilities are replaced with these paralyzed disabilities.
They whom we call our fore-fathers
created a four-fold caste system –
Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vysya and Sudra ;
Else you are margined to be an Out-caste.
The higher is privileged
and the lower subsides.
The lower asks for rights
and the higher promises to deny.
One orders the other,
while the other obeys the command.
No change, No revolution
can be promised
till the one who is discriminated
puts an end to the Discrimination.
All are equal in the eyes of almighty.
No one is a ruler,
No one is a subject.
All are one
All are same
All are equal.
Appreciate the potential within, and
depreciate the evil within.
Then whom we call our fore-fathers
who created a four-fold caste system –
Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vysya and Sudra;
Perhaps could be erased.
Else if you don’t show courage
you will be margined to be an Out-caste!