Where’s the Cupid. Is it still here? Chasing us with an arrow filled with doses of love.
Every shot making us feel truly in love. But how much do we love?
Love is technically paraphrased as the art of making one another feel that you are there.
It makes you feel complete and pumps your adrenaline levels to super joys!
Dream filled eyes
You changed my world
Deep down like a fire
My feelings emerged
I admitted my love
We surmounted every barrier
Time tested us every now and then
We kept paying debts of hatred and pain
Finally, love subdued all the anger
My family accepted us even stronger
Love is love they say...
Gentle eyes tiny toes
My little star you’ve taken my pregnancy woes
When I hold you in my arm, you make everything calm
Nothing in the world can be more valuable than you
Not even my career, I had no clue
Being by your side in all cold and warm
I promise to be your protector from prick and harm
So what I missed that promotion
I got your unconditional love and devotion
The night-long meticulously created data sheets
Have now turned in making clean bed sheets
So what if I am not able to sleep or eat or bath or pee
I am no longer bothered by the clock striking one, two, three
Love is love they say...
Another bundle of joy
Makes us a big family
Trotting, dancing, you two make our lives entertaining
I now get tired a little more
I again now sleep a little less
The body has been exerting more than it is meant
The millennial fire and gender equality has secluded men
So what if your daddy hasn’t got enough time
He is the bread earner and that is just fine
I once again pick up the toys and the storybooks
With cuddles and smiles, I toil and cook
So what if I am a Multitasker
Many women are and they have to move faster
So what if there is no helping hand
All mommies are magicians with an invisible wand
I am too a part of this perfect mommy race
Toiling and still putting up with grace
Love is Love they say...
Where’s the Cupid?
The Adorable chubby-cheeked little fellow
With a white bow and an arrow
Looking for doves with mesmerised eyes
Sweetened enough more than a choco or pie
Has lost his way somewhere
Doves today have scattered here and there
No time for cooing, rejuvenating or expressing
Just soaked in a mad race running and experimenting
There was a time when trees had shaded lovers
Soaked in warmth, the intensity bloomed like flowers
All have taken love for granted
A thankless Me & You have made Cupid disappointed
Office desks have glued partners
Once expressive thoughts are now chained, prisoners
The accelerated pace of modern life has its repercussions
Either you can pace or I, there is an unsaid differentiation
Love is Love they say...
Years pass by but one question always haunted me.
Who am I? Am I following myself? It taunted me.
All physical power is consumed in nurturing lives
When will I pick a sword from the internal dives
Is there some power within?
That can mute conflicting thoughts and surmount thick & thin
A moment of realisation changed the ME
I was starving for internal peace and my identity
Embedded deep in the heart is pure intrinsic energy
Which is unknown, battled and resists with no strategy
Who am I, can I achieve what I desire…
Burdened with innumerable questions it wanders on a pyre
I tried all ways to work around the problem
Wearing my hurdles up high like an emblem
I approached varied for knowledge and answer
But the soul within was pouncing faster
It’s only when I sat at peace
I listened to my internal power at calm and ease
The Buddha within was imparting his power
Renounce all anger and embrace the internal shower
When I accepted myself energy was imparted
This renewed self in me was since years parted
Love is Love they say...
I really don’t care about what they say. What I know now is that I have started loving myself. I don’t care about the laundry, about the dishes in the sink, about the multi-star cuisine menu suggestions for meals, whatsoever. What I know now is that not everything can be perfect. As a wife, mother, career aspirant, you cannot be perfect at all spheres. I do take out some time for myself for a coffee in my calm garden, for shopping even if there’s no company. You know why? Because I love myself. I deserve that peace and inner strength to keep me going.
I don’t care what they say. What I say is.. you are not selfish if you are in love with yourself woman. Love is Love...
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