What was it that had made him fall in love with her, he thought, as he stole a glance at a shooting star. Beautiful, he spoke softly, looking at the night sky. The moon, bright as ever, adorned by its 5 pointed friends....the stars. "You love it out here, don't you?" He said, turning slightly to the right, towards her. This was indeed their favourite spot, atop the Richmore Hills, a spot where the best of both sides - the known lands around them and the mysterious universe above them - sprawled as far as the human eye could see. Both separated by a million miles, yet equally fascinating. And that is what he loved about their spot.
"Where did we meet on our first date?" He asked sheepishly, but suddenly, exclaimed, "Why yes, I do remember, the Cafe Capital." He looked embarrassed, for having forgotten such an important detail. 25 years was no excuse.
He often wondered how they managed to stay together for such a long time, through their fights, the anger, their family troubles. A rollercoaster life, sure, but a rollercoaster worth the trouble, he thought. He faced towards his right, and smiled...shyly. 25 years and he still couldn't hide it. Every time he looked at her beautiful face, Oh, she was truly, as he once described her, a piece of art by God himself. Those bright blue eyes is what strikes you at first, but her amazing dark brown tresses and her big wide smile, yes, her smile would sink in thereafter. That was what had done the magic for him. "You still look the same honey... as happy and beautiful as you were the first time I saw you." He said and then quickly turned the other way as his face turned red. He was embarrassed and shy.
Their marriage was no smooth affair. Initially her parents refused to let her marry a man still searching for a job at the age of 25, but 5 whole years of hard work and luck, he could finally "afford" their daughter, as he had heard them say. They wanted a rich man, someone who would take them to the states, or Dubai probably, and then leave them alone. But not her, she was ready to marry the jobless man 5 years back too. "Your parents sure made it a grand affair, didn't they? And they didn't leave a stone unturned, seeing as mine were the ones paying for everything!" He laughed as he gave her a teasing look. And it was to be the states was most comfortable to her parents and the last they had seen of her parents was 5 years post marriage. And they hadn't even said goodbye the last time. If only they had. A tear rolled down his cheek, as he fought through the stream of tears with a smile.
"I'm surprised you said yes even after that long arsed proposal speech of mine!" He said, sounding surprised. It was unthinkable at that time, but yet here he was, with the girl of his dreams.
He took out a crumpled sheet of paper from his inner coat pocket. The words had half been rubbed off, but he remembered them anyway. He stood up on his knees, and turned to her glowing face, as he read out his speech once more. The first time was after he had finished his masters in IT. They were classmates throughout their bachelors too.
"5 years down the line, I'll be independent of everybody... I'll have to work for myself, earn for myself. Nobody's going to do it for me then. I've to make my own choices, so why not now? And I know it's too early, this is just the beginning but I hope that instead of working for me, I work for US.. And from me saying here we'll make this last as long as we can to us standing there saying "till death do us part", the journey is going to be mine and so will be my decisions. But, I'd happily change that for you. And as to the question of being with you, I'd like to say I'll be there for you...there is a difference in being with someone and being there for someone. If a person, even 1000 miles away, can call you...and it may only be 5 minutes...and a simple talk with you can make them feel better, if you're willing to attend the call at any hour, you're being there for somebody. Being with someone is simply keeping company; your friends can be there with you. Thus, I cannot promise to be there with you always for I cannot, but I promise to always be there for you. Always. "
He slipped back beside her, putting the sheet of paper back in his coat. He had broken a sweat, but it was much easier this time around. Maybe because he knew, now, that she loved him back.
Life was very kind to them until last year when she was shot in a robbery gone wrong at their home. "You are a brave woman, my love...the bravest I've ever met. But everybody has to go someday, and i hope to see you up there." A painful week of struggle and fighting the inevitable later, in the wee hours of morning, her heartbeats flattened out. He had had her in his arms then, and he had felt the life just vanish from her body.
He had begun to cry, as one more shooting star appeared and then vanished...he couldn't even make a wish. He fought back his tears and turned his head to face her, and her smile made everything alright. "Ah! Memories.." He exclaimed. He looked at her a one last time, as he put the photograph back in his coat. It was midnight.
He remembered her last words "Love, is the most weapon in this world. With the police protecting us, i have security, but with you, I feel safe. I love you."
And tonight he felt safe, as he smiled back at her through the clouds.
About the Author
