"The year was 2014." he recounted.
"They had recently shifted to our locality; in the house exactly in front of mine. I wouldn't have really noticed this but one day while I was standing in the balcony with my earphones plugged in, I noticed ‘Her’. She quietly opened her front door, came out, looked all around & then silently nodded her head in assurance as if she was trying to double check something she already knew; then again turned back to go inside.
Though you may call it 'Just a Glimpse' but I don't know what in that moment struck me so hard that I couldn't get that ‘Two minute recap’ off my mind; which again and again flashed in front of my eyes regardless of the chore I was busy in. I went to my mother, fully aware that she would have the full detail of that new family.
"Mom did a new family shift in the front house?" I asked sitting beside her & grabbing the TV remote just trying to act ignorant & avoid her doubtful eyes on me.
"Yeah! ‘Lawrence’. They are a nice family. They have recently shifted from some far city. I don't remember the name exactly." She spoke concentrating on her memory to find out the name of their city from the endless things she stored in her brain. Mothers I tell you! When they start, it’s difficult to even expect an end!
I so badly wanted to know about that girl & here my mom was busy taking a stroll in her ‘Memory Lane’ so, I again tricked her.
"Mom, is there any one of my age group? Someone I can hang out with?" I asked just acting curious.
"No; no boy but yeah there sure is a Girl; 'Dazzle' " she continued to speak but the rest was not of my concern so I just ignored her lip movement & her words. I simply congratulated myself for getting the mission accomplished!
I ran to my room & opened Facebook. I quickly typed 'Dazzle Lawrence' in the search option. Then the long list of results quickly turned my dreams into dust.
"What a fool I am! I don't even know who she is. I m not even sure if she has a Facebook account. Even if she has an account I don’t know if she has her own photograph as her profile picture. And if it’s her own photograph! Jesus! I haven't even seen her properly." I spoke to myself knowing very well that it was the affect of my teenage hormones which were probably at peak! I decided to send every ‘Dazzle Lawrence’ a friend request but then again I realized that she wouldn't be aware of my name. So, I cancelled this idea & went to my balcony hoping to see her again!
May be we call this Luck! I saw her. She was on her terrace, walking around but I wasn't sure of what she was doing because it was dark & I couldn't see it clearly. She suddenly caught me staring at her direction. She came towards her terrace’s railing with her wide eyes staring at me & as soon as she made out it was I; who was looking at her, she quickly vanished somewhere in the dark.
I smiled remembering her wide beautiful eyes staring at me; the moon light glimmering behind her; the refreshing aura & the vast black sky with the glittering starts; the cool flurry of air blowing her half clutched hair & the ambiance fully immersed in calmness & peace. Amidst them she stood half terrified, half surprised, staring at me; staring at someone who was already staring at her.
"I think I frightened her. Did I not Bexxy?" I asked my sister ‘Rebecca’ who was listening to all this.
"You did not Andrew. That's the natural reaction. Every girl will react the same way if they catch some one staring at them on such a night." She winked & started to giggle.
"Can you do a favor? Invite her for the ‘Pajama Party’ you will have this weekend." I spoke with a pleading look.
"But Andrew there are no boys allowed. You know the rules. How will that benefit you? And she seems much older than me. Even if I invite her I wonder if she will agree to attend it." She questioned with logics added.
"That's the point! If she attends it, she will be bored amongst the kids & ultimately reach out to me for some conversation.” I spoke making a weird face expression. “At least I would have done that!” I purposely added.
Bexxy went out of the room finally agreeing to help me but younger siblings never do anything without a favor in return. She took my portable music player for that night & I gladly gave it; expecting her to be the ‘Cupid of my Love Story’.
Next day while returning from my college I saw her on her scooty. Since she wore a helmet I could just see that she had beautiful lips, the perfect pink shade, the perfect shape. The way her hair flew with the wind gave me a feel of some movie starring me as the ‘Lead Actor’ & her as the ‘Actress’.
It became kind of a routine for me to stand in the balcony and stare at her house in a hope to get a glimpse of Dazzle. I usually spent my entire evening standing there and trust me the moment I saw her door opening I just wished it to be her. Sometimes my wishes got fulfilled while sometimes they came crashing down like an avalanche; destroying every excitement, killing every butterfly fluttering in my stomach, giving a stop to the racing heartbeats.
Finally, on the day of ‘The Pajama Party’ Bexxy came running to me to inform that Dazzle was coming. My excitement knew no bounds. I was excited and also a bit nervous. I ran to my room. Although it was properly arranged but I re-arranged a few things, trying to keep myself busy. The smile seemed to be permanently pasted on my lips.
I knew that was crazy. I had no idea why I felt so excited. I never had felt so eager to be friends with a girl ever before. You could say that I had an ego problem. I never approached any one until they did but with her, it was all different! I wanted to make a new start; I wanted to befriend her; I wanted to share my laughs & smiles with her & the mere thought of having her standing right next to me made me feel those butterflies in my stomach ready to fly out from my mouth & the heart beats seemed to race with the passing moment!
She finally entered dressed in a simple blue top with color strips & black jeans, her hair properly tied up in a pony tail. She sat along with Bexxy but spoke nothing. I kept staring at her from distance. Bexxy suddenly pointed at my direction & I started to pretend as if I was busy looking at the wall beside her; which was totally blank without even a painting or a wall clock! I think she noticed it and then she smiled. Gosh! That slight curve which appeared on one side of her face with few white teeth visible, I felt like kissing her then & there, but I controlled my emotions; somehow!
She stood up & approached me. Watching her walk towards me made me nervous. I did not know what to do so, I pretended to be busy with my mobile. She stood at the doorstep & I looked at her with a smile on my face and waved a casual ‘Hey’. I stood up as a gentleman to welcome her. She entered & sat at the corner of my bed.
"I know you would have been getting bored sitting there amongst the kids. They have so many topics to talk about; their fairy tales & super heroes; those sudden fights they get into." I kept speaking & speaking while she just listened. Her beautiful, perfect lips smiling and her eyes focused on me. But watching her silent I decided to stop my nonsense talks.
"Would you like to eat something?" I asked but she simply denied without speaking a word again.
I craved to listen to her voice. I wondered how it would sound like; the singing of the birds or the beautiful symphony; the sound of the wind chimes or the melody of a song. She was still silent and I knew I had to initiate the talk.
I again questioned “So, tell me about yourself.”
She still spoke nothing. She sat there & looked at the ground. She seemed to be hesitating; as if something was stopping her from fulfilling her most awaited wish. She lifted up her head & then gestured with her hand.
I tried to make out what she said.
"I CAN NOT SPEAK" I spoke this loud while guessing her gestures & after realizing what I just spoke I was taken aback. Those beautiful lips had never uttered a word! I couldn't imagine it! She sat there but faced away from me probably hiding the tears that had welled up in her eyes.
It was difficult for me to digest the new reality but I took her hand & hurriedly absconded with her to the terrace. She faced up & watched the stars twinkling in the night sky. I watched her and realized that the craziness I felt for her had not reduced even a bit after knowing the truth. I knew it was not just the teenage hormones, it was more than that. I took her hands and looked in her deep black eyes. They were beautiful and I could feel them speaking to me in a language only I could understand.
"I Love you" I spoke still holding her hands.
She tried to free her hands and lift them to gesture something but I held her hand in a firm grip & told her to just listen "I am not telling a lie Dazzle. I love you since the first glimpse of yours. I have been trying to just speak to you & tell you about it & trust me this reality of yours isn't going to affect me in any way. I know this will lead to many troubles in future but if I will have you by my side, I am sure I can fight every problem I face." I spoke and she already had tears streaming down her face. May be because she had never expected it; maybe she thought it to be a dream but I promised myself, deep in my heart that no matter what happens in life, I will never leave her side; will always stay as her support.
She hugged me and that embrace only made those promises even more stronger.
That was the way our journey started."
My uncle walked down the stage after completing his ‘Eulogy’ for his deceased wife but not with a sad face or teary eyes. He had a satisfaction in his heart, his contentment glowed on his face.
I snapped back to the present and went near to support him.
He took my hands and spoke "I know your generation doesn't believe in love but the way her ‘Silence’ spoke to me can't be expressed even in the sweetest voice or the loveliest songs.” He smiled & patted my back while walking towards his seat.
I stood there and wondered what is this magic of love! Although it has been 60 years to this incident, yet he remembers it as if it were still 2014 and his old wrinkled face still glows each time someone mentions the name ‘Dazzle’.
About the Author
